@Panthers de la Floride

Maurice à propos de Forsling : « Il a été si bon toute l’année. Il a joué à chaque match. Sa confiance grandit. Il ne cesse de s’améliorer. Il a un super coup. Nous commençons à peine à le voir, et je pense que nous en verrons beaucoup plus.

Maurice à propos de Forsling : « Il a été si bon toute l’année. Il a joué à chaque match. Sa confiance grandit. Il ne cesse de s’améliorer. Il a un super coup. Nous commençons à peine à le voir, et je pense que nous en verrons beaucoup plus.



  1. 1mactruk

    Idk about you people but I’m totally over the “Maurice on who the F@|< ever-“ quotes.

    Give it up, who gives a $hit about what that guy says.

  2. Melim55

    The one intelligent thing to come out of Maurice’s mouth is this, acknowledging how good forsling is

  3. benice33

    I hope we see a lot less of you PM


  4. Possibly_A_Mastodon

    Forsling is so consistent from game to game and can keep up with the league stars. Very rarely gets outright beat by his man.

    We really need to take a look at making some changes with Ekblad and M Staal in the off season on the D Line. Ekblad in particular. It’s great that he jumps up offensively, but without fail, when he does he takes a low quality shot and then gets beat on the rush. Staal contributes next to nothing offensively, which is fine, but he’s not solid defensively either.

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