@Golden Knights de Vegas

Votre résumé hebdomadaire / r / goldenknights pour la semaine du 22 mars au 28 mars

**Mercredi 22 mars – mardi 28 mars** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 11 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11y7pie/recap_vgk_van/) | [Recap: VGK @ VAN](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10198287/16977262/812139d7-7a1b-4de0-a34b-cfdd4eaa2eb5.mp4) | | 8 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/122c4vy/recap_vgk_edm/) | [Recap: VGK @ EDM](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10288432/17139610/2f5199f4-1124-4f56-ac00-7d321812b403.mp4)| | 5 | [3 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1208kwh/recap_vgk_cgy/) | [Recap: VGK @ CGY](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10235208/17043819/3cffc799-966b-4cd9-b60f-873e2a5369db.mp4)|   ###Commentaires du fil de jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 30 | /u/Jacob1030 a dit [“Quick makes the stop but not comfortably” shut the fuck up announcers holy fuck dude](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je3awuv/?context=5) | | 21 | /u/Jormngunder2053 a dit [I want to win, not for the 2 points or the playoff spot, but to make these announcers shut the fuck up](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je3c4pk/?context=5) | | 20 | /u/FloralDemon a dit [These announcers can fuck all the way off.](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je3j999/?context=5) | | 20 | /u/Jacob1030 a dit [“The best team in the west is either Minnesota or Colorado” what the fuck are these announcers talking about](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je3bl45/?context=5) | | 18 | /u/Slappamedoo a dit [Just fired up the game and this ESPN commentary guys are already annoying me.](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je396jk/?context=5) | | 16 | /u/CrazySwine a dit [Good Lord I can’t stomach much more of these ESPN announcers](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je3jhmg/?context=5) | | 15 | /u/Prfctcellrulz a dit [Considering what’s on the line tonight, I HAVE to do this now #༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ VGK TAKE MY PLAYOFFS-CLINCHING ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ](/r/goldenknights/comments/1256ykp/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_42239_at_vegas_golden/je2um55/?context=5) | | 14 | /u/donitapervita a dit [Very concerned I’m getting jumped in the parking lot after this 2 no goals](/r/goldenknights/comments/1200p5w/game_thread_vegas_golden_knights_44216_at_calgary/jdg3ovm/?context=5) | | 14 | /u/Vegas_Golden_Refs a dit [Don’t you guys love when your ref bucks are put to good use?](/r/goldenknights/comments/1200p5w/game_thread_vegas_golden_knights_44216_at_calgary/jdg3kqp/?context=5) | | 14 | /u/Goldstar_Vroom a dit [Smith and Karlsson might be teaching Dorofeyev their 200 foot ways. He’s made some nice takeaways and playing two way hockey.](/r/goldenknights/comments/1200p5w/game_thread_vegas_golden_knights_44216_at_calgary/jdfwc3f/?context=5) |   ###Top Non-Shitposts | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 236 | [32 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/122bu83/the_golden_knights_have_made_nhl_history/) | `[Post Game]` [The Golden Knights Have Made NHL HISTORY!!!](https://i.redd.it/7biunek562qa1.jpg)| | 201 | [90 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11zxn68/with_pride_night_threatened_around_the_league_i/) | [With Pride night threatened around the league I can’t wait to see the show the VGK put on next season. I love how inclusive our fanbase has been.](https://i.redd.it/ybfng945jlpa1.jpg)| | 198 | [13 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/122unp0/otd_in_2018_the_vgk_clinch_a_playoff_birth_for/) | [OTD in 2018: The VGK clinch a playoff birth for the 1st time!](https://i.redd.it/f8olv68ok4qa1.jpg)| | 188 | [63 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/123zdl3/does_anyone_agree_that_the_knights_should_return/) | [Does anyone agree that the knights should return to making the greys their home rather than alternate?](https://i.redd.it/styk3br4vdqa1.jpg)| | 161 | [12 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1225w05/congrats_to_mark_stone/) | [Congrats to Mark Stone!](https://i.redd.it/ga9p17x1y0qa1.jpg)| | 128 | [41 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/120sd9s/well_this_sucks/) | [Well this sucks](https://i.redd.it/ik2dn8j3prpa1.jpg)| | 126 | [23 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/120tq25/i_drew_marcandré_fleury_and_made_stickers/) | `[Fan Art]` J’ai dessiné Marc-André Fleury et fait des Stickers!| | 119 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1224dak/barkandre_fleury_reporting_in_for_tonights_game/) | `[Battle Prep]` Bark-André Fleury au rapport pour le match de ce soir | | 107 | [11 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1209mhx/we_got_him_back_for_literally_two_fucking_periods/) | `[Injury Update]` [We got him back for literally TWO FUCKING PERIODS](https://i.redd.it/ol35wdhybmpa1.gif)| | 106 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11ybitu/jonathon_quick_claims_2nd_in_the_all_time_goalie/) | [Jonathon Quick claims 2nd in the All Time Goalie Wins by U.S Goalie list](https://i.redd.it/t18g59sdz8pa1.png)|   ###Meilleurs messages de merde | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 74 | [3 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/122bex1/w/) | `[Shitpost]` [W.](https://i.redd.it/ypju7rpd22qa1.jpg)| | 63 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/12086xz/w/) | `[Shitpost]` [W.](https://i.redd.it/pet8m46zhnpa1.jpg)| | 35 | [2 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/11yl5tz/w/) | `[Shitpost]` [W.](https://i.redd.it/6u1mz91ggcpa1.jpg)| | 28 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/124c8m2/an_alternate_unused_w_meme_from_last_game/) | `[Shitpost]` [An Alternate Unused W Meme from Last Game.](https://i.redd.it/fbgn1v7a5gqa1.jpg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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