@Kraken de Seattle

Mieux vaut le démissionner… aussi… vous savez qui vous êtes, mais gardez-le dans votre pantalon 🤣🤣🤣

Mieux vaut le démissionner… aussi… vous savez qui vous êtes, mais gardez-le dans votre pantalon 🤣🤣🤣



  1. spencerawr

    We gotta use « re-sign » instead of « resign » 😤

  2. GaryBettmansRightNut

    Vince Dunn is a Sexy Beast.

  3. angelistica

    Vince “daddy” Dunn. Vince “handsome” Dunn. Why am I so thirsty all of a sudden

  4. tateand99

    I feel like the longer they’ve waited the more his value has shot up. He’s really about to be paid like a top tier defenseman in this league and I can’t say he hasn’t earned it. Good thing Larsson is locked up for a few more years at a very reasonable deal.

  5. truetotheblue2

    Dunn will be back next year he’s an RFA so the team would have to allow him to become a UFA and sign elsewhere but realistically Ron is working on an extension for him right now

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