@Panthers de la Floride

Aucun gardien partant annoncé cet AM. Maurice a déclaré que Bennett reste absent et qu’il devra revenir sur la glace avant de pouvoir revenir dans l’alignement.

Aucun gardien partant annoncé cet AM. Maurice a déclaré que Bennett reste absent et qu’il devra revenir sur la glace avant de pouvoir revenir dans l’alignement.



  1. Neugoodz

    That last loss felt like game 4 in round 2 against the lightning last year. That’s a wrap.

  2. Ebergs94

    Put Luongo out there and at least give me a reason to watch this shit

  3. PerplexedPantherG8R

    Why does this guy straight up lie about injuries?

  4. layout420

    Bennett out was the final nail in the coffin. Can’t wait for the final nail in Maurice’s coffin (not because he’s dead, because he’s been terminated. No taxi)

  5. grizzlby

    Yeah nope. Hanging on Bob alone and with basically zero center depth ain’t it. Looking forward to FA signing season, I guess?

  6. DUFstein

    I don’t even wanna be around anymore

  7. Andr3wJ411

    Broken record blaring: Why aren’t we playing young guys and finding out what we have? Why are Denisenko, Carlsson, Kiersted all down in the minors while MStaal, Colin White and Cousins are all going to be gone at end of season?

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