@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Jalons des Oilers, Bettman répète que les sénateurs restent à Ottawa, la séquence record de points des Kings

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  1. Can’t speak for all western teams but the Oilers are 14-4-1 against the Atlantic and 6-7-3 against the “almighty” Metropolitan division this year. Edmonton also beat Boston IN Boston, a feat very few teams from either conference can boast this season.
    I find that nearly all of the “east is stronger than the west” talk comes from eastern team fans who are probably both biased and just purely ignorant by not watching very many (or any) western teams.
    Another fun tidbit: if the two eastern wild card teams played in the west, they wouldn’t even make playoffs.

  2. Paraphrasing, "Its not like his draft value is going down…. but the NHL will work on his Scoring, his Offensive side of the game, his 200 foot game, his backcheckiing, forechecking, his overall play, ah heck why doesn't Saskatoon just roll over, pretty please, pretty pretty please with lotsa' sugar"…. lol.

  3. Washington is going to have a hell of a time moving Kuznetsov. He's paid nearly 8 million a year, his stats suck, and he plays like he couldn't care less. Who would actually want him?

  4. Rooting for Boston to clinch the Presidents trophy

    (Because it will also result in Vegas clinching)

  5. In the 35 NHL seasons since the President’s Trophy was introduced in 1986, 8 winners (23%) have gone on to claim the Stanley Cup. That leaves 27 cups for the other the other 7 playoff seeds from 1986-1993 and the other 15 seeds from 1993 to the present. I’ll take my chances with the Bruins taking the trophy and all the momentum and historic success it entails.

  6. President's Trophy carries a curse you do not want to win as u r not going to win the cup

  7. When the Pats came to play in Medicine Hat against the Tigers the arena sold-out for the first time in its history (opened in 2015).

  8. The whole “President’s trophy curse” thing is kinda silly if you actually look at the numbers. There are 16 teams in the playoffs, so just 1 out of 16 teams wins the cup in a given year. Meanwhile, 8 out of 33 President’s trophy winners have gone on to win the Stanley cup. That’s almost 1 in 4. Significantly better odds than the average playoff team.

    The only reason it seems like a curse is because it goes against our expectations when the top seed doesn’t win the cup. (somehow we all forget how much parity the NHL has.)

  9. If Ryan Reynolds is part owner of the Senators, they should have "Senators?" Gear , and change the red ever so slightly

  10. When is summer at Canada? Here in Finland summer is July 1-7, rest is winter!

  11. I think it's funny that people still rip on McDavid for "not being defensively responsible"… Because compared to Bedard, he's basically Patrice Bergeron. You can say he's young or whatever… but he doesn't have McDavid's wheels and he's smaller. Like the dude's a wizard with the puck, but he needs a team that can play defense and retrieve pucks for him, because he's not gonna be the one doing it consistently at the NHL like McDavid can.

    I could see Bedard hitting 130 points and 70 goals one season… but I really doubt he's ever going to hit the 150-160 point dominance that McDavid is having unless he ends up on an absolute wagon of a team, like this year's Bruins.

  12. When Bettman says Ottawa isn't moving are we to take him for his word?

  13. I wonder how many Kings "fans" that after the Quick trade said, "I'm NEVER cheering for the Kings again as long as Rob Blake is there" are now saying, "After further review, , ,"

  14. watch the WHL hand the Pats like 50 power plays in seven games, they want those Bedard bucks while they can get them!

  15. Trade kuzy to Arizona for Keller. Give Arizona a first along with a third and a prospect. Arizona pays the full salary. They have the money.

  16. I don’t think people realize just how crazy 140 points is. McDavid is only the 10th player in NHL history to reach 140 points…

    140 Point Club
    Wayne Gretzky (11 Times)
    Mario Lemieux (5 Times)
    Phil Esposito (2 Times)
    Steve Yzerman
    Bernie Nicholls
    Jaromir Jagr
    Pat Lafontaine
    Mike Bossy
    Adam Oates

    Now aside from Bernie Nicholls that’s a list of all-time greats!

  17. Michkov should be #2 based soley on talent no one had put up the kind of khl numbers like his in their draft year

  18. I thought it was pretty cool Mcd drai and Kane were all at 299 at the same time good on Leo for getting the W.

  19. There's a reason he's on the third line now. He'd be on the fourth if Dowd wasn't about perfect as their fourth line center. Seriously though, maybe it'll be time next season to move him up.
    Back to Kuzi. His penalties aren't good, he's too free with his stick, and he's not scoring. What he's good for is bringing the puck up the ice. This is no small talent, especially in Washington, and especially on their power play. I wrote about trading him before the deadline and I haven't changed my mind. But they need to have trusted speed in place before they let him go.

  20. As a cbj fan I think what fired the boys up to sweeping the best team in the nhl was getting pumped 3-goose in the first period I can’t imagine how bad torts ripped them

  21. You mention the Columbus sweep over Tampa (using Jackets eyeing playing "the best" as incentive); then you toss the notion that "East teams" might not be taking "West teams" as seriously as they should. Uhm, you can't have it both ways. You don't think that a big part of the Columbus sweep was Tampa 'not taking The Jackets seriously enough'? The perception is mutual. This is why we often see mediocre teams (like Vancouver) lose to teams below them in the standings, that were the "gimme points" they should have gotten, but let get away, when the previous game they played so well against a top team in the league. OF COURSE, consciously or not, players consider the standings and, therefore, "quality" of their opponents, and play UP or DOWN to those standards; it is human nature. It can be overcome, but it has to be consciously, willfully overcome, and it's not always easy. So, yes, OF COURSE, some East teams, going into Arizona, Chicago, Anaheim, etc., ARE going to fall into that trap. Just as Tampa did against Columbus, as you WELL noted. Cheers 🙂

  22. I'll say The Western Conference is very even and the teams right now there's not one team running away with it in the standings it's pretty competitive. Weirdly enough the 8 teams in the West all have 40 plus wins while in the east there are 6 teams with 40 plus.

  23. It should be obvious at this point that the Sens are staying in Ottawa. When Ryan Reynolds (and rumored even The Rock) want to own the team that gives an idea that they have no plans to move it. Plus Reynolds has connections in Ottawa so the question is… why?

  24. I wonder if Bettman was also just suggesting that Lebreton was too small to get a better price for the new owners, just a thought.

  25. If not LeBreton flats – where? A suburban location seems like a bad idea.

  26. Stop calling the senators arena Scotiabank, second time you've done that. It's been Canadian tire centre since 2014.

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