@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Sheldon Keefe après la défaite 3-2 des Maple Leafs en prolongation contre la Floride : « Nous avons souvent vu cela… Nous laissons les équipes traîner, et elles finissent par obtenir des points de votre part »

Sheldon Keefe après la défaite 3-2 des Maple Leafs en prolongation contre la Floride : « Nous avons souvent vu cela… Nous laissons les équipes traîner, et elles finissent par obtenir des points de votre part »



  1. SynthRysing

    So what are we gonna do Keefee-boy? It’s been happening for too long and we literally CANNOT be doing that in the playoffs!

  2. rilsterc2689

    Says the guy who had Marner and kerfoot on the ice for 2 min on the last penalty kill, the guy who had JT, Nylander and Reilly on the ice for OT.

    I like Keefe but he was out coached by Ducharm during the COVID playoffs and Paul Maurice last night…

  3. AustichMavarlander

    Love how he says this like he has nothing to do with it…………..

  4. goleafsgo13

    Killer instinct. This team don’t got it.

  5. SomeOtherRandomHuman

    The new anti-Keefe brigade is out in full force here.

    I guess we have a new answer to the “cause of all of our problems”.

  6. djlista

    Well its hard to score when you know every time you play a minor league goalie they all of a sudden turn into 99′ Hasek.

  7. thevoiceinsidemyhead

    i actually don’t have that much of a problem with last nights game..i think 9 times out of 10 they win that game…sometimes things don’t go your way and pretending that you can will yourself past any problem is just magical thinking ..

  8. shindleria

    Glad the Panthers won because the glaring errors we just saw are almost always forgotten about after winning games like these. The player, team and coaching issues can now be fixed to slides and analyzed under the microscope to be addressed and (hopefully) solved before game 83.

  9. Zealousideal-Snow850

    Everyone on this thread is pathetic. It’s one game that doesn’t matter for us and we still played fairly well. No shit it won’t slide in the playoffs, playoffs are a completely different ball game. Regular season means absolutely nothing, let’s relax here

  10. kongartist

    Wasn’t a goal called back for offside?

  11. Babock93

    McCabe giveaway
    0-4 powerplay
    Their goalie played great

  12. swimbaitjesus

    Having Rielly on the ice at any point in OT is a start.

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