@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Cet appel rendrait tout entraîneur de hockey de la LNH FURIEUX…

#nhl #hockey #nhlhighlights Soyons honnêtes. L’arbitrage dans la LNH cette saison n’a pas été spectaculaire. Mais dans ce match entre les Penguins de Pittsburgh contre les Red Wings de Détroit… nous avons vu l’entraîneur des Red Wings Derek Lalonde perdre complètement après que ce défi des entraîneurs ait été qualifié de but. Nous décomposons l’appel et comment la confusion autour de l’interférence des gardiens de but peut changer la dynamique des séries éliminatoires de la LNH.


  1. yo team!! would love to connect but couldn't find an email address to contact you, please let me know how or where and lets talk :)!

  2. A one-handed hooking call on Walman to give the Pens a 5 on 3 was ALMOST as bad as this call or lack of.

  3. Everyone needs to stop blaming the refs. Toronto is the one that makes the final call.

    Toronto probably called it a goal cause puck looked like it cross thr goal line from the back angle and then he got pushed in. I'm just speculating that's probably why.

    But in my opinion it shouldn't have been a goal.

    Cause nhl seems like the nfl know. They both don't know there own rules.

  4. Once upon a time, when the puck was covered, it was COVERED! Blow the f*#king whistle asshole!! No hacking or pushing!!

  5. if you dig for the puck and the whistle hasn't been blown what makes it goaltender interference? Does the goaltender have to be pushed for it to be ruled GI?

  6. Fuck all NHL refs. They are all garbage and should be replaced by AI powered cameras. ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT BE WORSE THAN WHAT WE GET NOW!

  7. Playing devils advocate, maybe the refs saw the flex in Ned's leg as a reaction to be hit by Zucker's stick but only Ned will know if he gave enough force to constitute a push. I don't think there's any "fixing it" tbh; it's a judgement call not something you definitively define. With scrambles in the crease it's 50/50 so just make sure you wear your lucky jock strap.

  8. That's true – it'll be critical in playoffs. Too many men on the ice was horrible last year in the playoffs. Line changes gradually got more and more aggressive and then they would randomly get called during play or during review.

  9. Way too close, even on reviews. Thats what the guys in the stripes get paid to call. Fans would obviously line up with their team. I wonder what the league office would rule (after the fact) under a league review (if they do that)?

  10. gary should go as fast as possible and let his place to someone competent

  11. The league making fools of themselves once again… that's the 22'-23' season in a nut shell. And despite a free goal from the NHL, the Penguins still couldn't get it done! The blatent attempts at match fixing are hilarious like OBVIOUSLY they want Crosby and the Penguins in the playoffs and thought they could help them with 2 points here… Red Wings were having none of it, coach got fired up and so did the bench!

  12. I’m not sure what’s worse, the goalie interference or the “distinct kicking motion” nonsense. I haven’t watched as much hockey this year as I usually do, but there was a blatant kick-in goal against the Sabres a few weeks ago that was ruled a goal after the challenge. And everyone I was watching the game with agreed: “if that’s not a ‘distinct kicking motion’ then idk what is.”

  13. Too bad it wasn't goaltender interference. At the one angle you can clearly see his skate was already going in the direction and possibly been already over the line before he used his stick against his pad. Which to OVERTURN a call in the NHL it HAS to be 100% certain and evidential that, that was the case. Unfortunately with video review there is zero proof that the goal was resulting in him pushing his stick into his pads.

  14. soooo what it is goaltender interference? the lightest touch by accident is goaltender interference butb a very clearly on purpose little push at the pad on the red wings goaltender isnt goalie interference??? WTF???

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