@Canucks de Vancouver

En 2009, selon Brian Burke, le directeur général des Canucks, Mike Gillis, a offert Alex Burrows, Kevin Bieksa et leur propre choix (22e au total) dans le but d’obtenir le 2e choix au total de Tampa en 2009.

Si c’est vrai, je suis content que nous n’ayons jamais eu à vivre dans cette terrible chronologie de Gillis. Pas de tueur de dragon. Pas de but stationnaire. Pas de course de coupe. Bonus : Burkie dit que Luke Schenn « finirait probablement par porter le C » pour les Leafs.



  1. reubendevries

    I mean Tampa drafted Victor Hedman with the 2009 2nd overall pick so I’m not sure that would be a terrible timeline, who knows what could have happened.

  2. _Canuckle

    I mean they did pick victor Hedman that year

  3. couldbeworse2

    Trying to think back, how clear was it that Burrows was the special sauce for the Sedins? On paper, Burrows was nothing super special, except, you know, that. And Bieksa, who I would donate a kidney to if it was necessary for some reason, for a second pick. In 2009. Hm.

  4. namdor

    Holy shit that would have been amazing. Love Bieksa and Burrows, but I’d trade them for picking Hedman 100% of the time.

  5. Tal-IGN

    That seems like a pretty lowball offer considering how rightfully hyped Hedman was. Doubt Tampa gave it much thought.

  6. championchipcookie

    Imagine having a great meal at McDonald’s only to find out at a much later date that you could’ve eaten at The Keg instead.

    Basically what you’re saying is that you’re glad you missed out on what would have objectively been a much better meal… because otherwise you never would’ve gotten sick enough to go to the hospital later that same night and meet a cute nurse, who you would go on to fall madly in love with, only for her to eventually marry the Boston Bruins in 7 games instead?

    Is that what you’re trying to say?

  7. Tookybird

    My god that is a dark timeline

  8. Sarcastic__

    I appreciate the viewpoint that you’re likely greatly altering the 2011 Run and the memories that came along with it. That said, Hedman is like a top 20-30 defenseman all time. He also likely took longer to round as Tampa wasn’t really known for their defensemen in his early years. He might have hit his stride much sooner with guys like Mitchell, Salo, Ehrhoff, and Edler, and maybe even Hambuis still, around him.

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