@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Corrado sur le remplacement potentiel de Cheech pour les émissions des Canucks, impressions de Hronek, Hughes

Frank Corrado rejoint et discute du statut légendaire de John Garrett parmi les fans (et anciens joueurs) des Canucks ainsi que de son admiration pour Quinn Hughes. Présenté par Jason.Mortgage (https://lnk.to/JasonMortgage) Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP523 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https://linktr. ee/SekeresAndPrice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rayanddregs.com/


  1. corrado would be a good choice, i liked hirsch when he took over for garrett for the couple weeks

  2. Not only did Hronek play left with Myers but also on the powerplay with Hughes that short stint there

  3. regional broadcasters can be impossible to listen to….que jack edwards the worst homer in the business. i won't listen to boston games because that guy is the worst of the worst. john, john, and dan are the very best there is.

  4. You guys are beating a dead horse with the Pride themed jersey conversations..
    Honestly.. who the hell cares?!
    We are talking about grown men! No one should EVER be forced into wearing anything against their will. These players shouldn't even have to defend their decisions. What a crazy world we live in today.
    Me personally, I would absolutely wear a pride themed jersey to show my solidarity with The Alphabet community but that's me. Its not going to be for everyone nor should it have to be.
    Ive said it here before.. The Pride movement as a whole hurts itself the most with its forced participation.

  5. Pride sweater…how about the drag show the nucks are gonna have. A fing drag show. A drag show….a drag show

  6. The alphabet people need to stop begging for approval. That is possibly what's creating this backlash. Be who you want be but stop expecting athletes to be part of this dog and pony show.

  7. Entertain the people that deal with a three hour commute everyday with a good o hockey game and a beer. Keep the b.s. elsewhere.

  8. why are the lgbtq freaks using hockey to try to validate there sickness? there sickness has nothing to do with hockey, take it elsewhere!

  9. If you are a Christian you would not have to ask the question about pride? I will be the first to admit I am a sinner. Having a night to promote a sin is wrong. Are they checking at the gate at Rogers what you do in the bedroom? Of course not everyone is welcome to watch the game.

  10. Why haven't anyone thought of Kevin Bieska for color?

  11. We aren't "going backwards" with pride, we are just saying we aren't moving forward anymore. Pride started with gay rights and now it involves exposing children to adult men participating in a kink (drag queens) and encouraging them to try and live as the other gender. A 3 year old boy at my son's daycare wears dresses. Pride has now come to symbolize this and it's perfectly reasonable to not want to participate in it.

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