@Rangers de New York

Score attendu du match d’hier soir. Ce sont en fait de bonnes statistiques de la société d’analyse CSA Hockey de Vally, pas de la merde MoneyPuck.

Score attendu du match d’hier soir. Ce sont en fait de bonnes statistiques de la société d’analyse CSA Hockey de Vally, pas de la merde MoneyPuck.



  1. memeaste

    It’s gonna be a nightmare of a series for all of our mental health

  2. lionson76

    Frustrating loss, but a lot closer than the PGT comments would suggest. I had to nope out of that one because of all the hysteria… Some of y’all are not emotionally equipped to handle these games lol.

  3. Sean_Bean_

    Our first period was really slow and we had a few bad bounces not go our way. It was an incredibly close game but a very good idea of what the playoffs will look like

  4. jaypeedee1025

    It’s gonna be tuff but that’s why i was so puzzled (actually not use to doomers )when people were on here and acted like we got smoked 6-1 and shesty got lit up shesty was shesty god mode again and it looks like it’s here to stay and they lost 2 to 1 on a fluky goal and a power play goal in the first .I think from then on the Rangers had more scoring chances.The teams trade
    momentum but the Rangers def turned up the heat once the second started

  5. rushy1911

    A playoff series with the devils should be really close and tense. Would have liked to get home ice advantage but oh well.

    also kind of ironic how people say we are terrible or will get bounced immediately when that’s pretty much how moneypuck feels about our playoff chances as well. Our style of play somehow doesn’t mesh with MoneyPuck analysis or eye test, which is just funny.

  6. BrianEJones15

    I know I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, but I don’t know what game this is from. They had no room to operate and in my opinion, the only thing that was close last night was the final score

  7. Yesterday’s game could have gone either way honestly. Solid effort, had they played a full 60min we could very well had won it.

  8. deputyvanhalen

    Call me crazy, but I think the Rangers take it in 5. They’ve just seen what a playoff Devils team looks like and will be ready for their style of play. The Rangers are bigger, more physical, and should be able to boss the young Devils players around. The Devils will push hard with their skill players but get gassed in these games. In the playoffs everyone battens down the hatches. It’s going to be close but I see the Rangers shithousing their way to wins against this team.

  9. bryzzlybear

    I’m not saying Moneypuck is great, but Moneypuck showed Devils having 0.25 more xG than Rangers, this is showing them as 0.05. I really don’t think 0.20 xG is something to get up in arms about.

  10. Reddit_User_3399

    So you’re saying a company owned by a Ranger fans is better than a company owned by a flyer fan.

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