@Penguins de Pittsburgh

RÉCAPITULATIF DU JEU : Penguins contre Bruins (04.01.23) | La rouille marque deux fois

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh ont accueilli les Bruins de Boston au PPG Paints Arena pour leur premier de deux matchs consécutifs de la fin de semaine. Boston a été en mesure de frapper en premier dans la première période en avantage numérique, mais les Penguins ont répondu tout de suite alors que Bryan Rust a enfoui son 17e but de la saison pour égaliser les choses, 1-1. Les Bruins ont marqué le seul but en deuxième période, prenant une avance de 2-1 avant l’entracte. Ce fut une bataille en troisième période alors que les Penguins et les Bruins se sont affrontés en inscrivant un total de quatre buts. Bryan Rust a marqué son deuxième du match et Jake Guentzel a marqué son 35e de la saison, mais les Bruins obtiendraient le dernier décompte, remportant celui-ci par un score de 4-3.


  1. We started too slow to really give the Bruins a run for their money, but good for the latter of the 2nd and the 3rd for staying sharp even if we did lose in regulation. Props to Pastrnak for his hat trick, but good on Jarry for keeping us in the game for as long as he could against a high caliber team like this. Lets sweep the season series over our keystone rival tomorrow.

  2. Pens played like garbage most of the game. Entire front office needs fired. That is the only way the Pens have a chance of being better next year is new management from the top down.

  3. When you need jarry to step up and be a elite goal tender and make those saves at crucial points of the game

  4. Better looks for the most part this game. Pens PP is still abysmal, 5 on 3 with one retrieving their stick should be a gimme goal. They can't afford to make these mistakes trying to get into the playoffs yet alone stay in contention throughout. Happy Rust started the scoring, if only the rest of the first line (Guetz/Crosby) would start shooting more and going for second/third chances. They're too worried about making a "pretty goal." Go full out the rest of the games Pens, I have hope.

  5. Honestly sick & tired of hearing about “be thankful of the memories” boston is a top notch organization, we get slower & less productive each year with mismanagement if the roster, you wanna tell me im wrong, thats fine, look at the caps, same situation, everyone wants to hold onto “what was”, we need a new gm & a new coach so that we stop “not playing the right way”

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