@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Avec Keller s’étant cassé le fémur la saison dernière, pensez-vous qu’il est un candidat pour le Bill Masterson et qui d’autre devrait être en lice ?

Avec Keller s’étant cassé le fémur la saison dernière, pensez-vous qu’il est un candidat pour le Bill Masterson et qui d’autre devrait être en lice ?



  1. ThatSpecialAgent

    He absolutely should be. But just like Maccelli in the Calder race, there is a bias in the voting that does not generally lend to guys from small markets like AZ being successful.

    Craig Morgan did a solid article on it a few weeks back, but it truly is hard to find a guy with a better story than Kells for that award this year.

  2. FarseerTaelen

    I’m terrified they’re going to give it to Toews now that he’s back in the line up for Chicago. It’s essentially what they did when they gave it to Price last year.

    Keller absolutely should win the Masterton.

  3. diabolical3b

    He should be in contention with Toews and the ultimate winner, Letang. Keller had a monster year on this team and should be celebrated, but Letang had a couple of huge things happen and missed minimal time.

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