@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Ne soyez pas un mauvais perdant… Coyotes. | Kraken R&R

Réaction des fans de Seattle Kraken à la plus grande victoire de l’histoire de la franchise… les Coyotes de l’Arizona ne le prennent pas bien. Suivez-moi sur Twitter si vous le souhaitez : https://twitter.com/ScottBrenden Ou Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cheapseatssc/


  1. I'm so proud of Donato for transitioning from celebrating a goal to defending a teammate immediately!

  2. It's scary to think that any of those Coyote players could have seriously injured any of the Kraken players and miss out on the playoffs. Since we are facing another non-playoff team tonight, I'm seriously concerned that players like TYLER MYERS will do what he did to Matty Benniers the last time the Kraken played against them. To this day, I'm still baffled as to why Myers never got any disciplinary action or suspension for such a callous action.

  3. Liked the Kraken play and the result. I've always felt sorry for Arizona because I feel their management do not have the team's best interests at heart, but though I commiserate with their plight, there is no excuse for any player offering cheap shots in place of playing their best hockey. Glad our guys did not let up in the third, since the coyotes were bent on being big pills. Let's hope for the same aware, awake play against the Canucks, GO KRAKEN!

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