@Golden Knights de Vegas

Votre résumé hebdomadaire de /r/goldenknights pour la semaine du 29 mars au 04 avril

**Mercredi 29 mars – mardi 04 avril** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 45 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/12b7oih/pavel_dorofeyev/) | [Pavel Dorofeyev](https://v.redd.it/ml0ibba6dsra1)| | 32 | [8 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12bxi9j/i_didnt_understand_why_people_cared_so_much_about/) | `[Highlights]` [I didn’t understand why people cared so much about their Pavel Dorofeyev’s till I got a Pavel Dorofeyev myself.](https://i.redd.it/erxsvtvgsxra1.png)| | 17 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1283bxu/uknight_the_realm_vegas_golden_knights_clinch/) | `[Post Game]` [UKnight The Realm | Vegas Golden Knights Clinch 2023 Stanley Cup Playoff…](https://youtube.com/watch?v=SbGcVVsPXA0&feature=share)| | 9 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/129amkc/recap_min_vgk/) | [Recap: MIN @ VGK](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10431402/17410274/44b7df5f-ee6e-49c7-96f5-a11c9781725e.mp4)| | 7 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12b7lzh/recap_vgk_min/) | [Recap: VGK @ MIN](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10481811/17514723/7f3e2897-66e0-4751-b2b2-6a5860bb790c.mp4)| | 2 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/125dn2x/recap_edm_vgk/) | [Recap: EDM @ VGK](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10343211/17243775/90c20fe5-5ac5-4867-bf16-5cc73495bd2c.mp4)| | 2 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/127b8d0/recap_vgk_sj/) | [Recap: VGK @ S.J](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10373664/17295569/9dc2d694-45d0-4b4e-942a-c0f94bbe89eb.mp4)|   ###Top Non-Shitposts | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 200 | [46 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1275xle/the_vegas_golden_knights_have_clinched_a_playoff/) | `[Player/Team Discussion]` LES GOLDEN KNIGHTS DE VEGAS ONT DÉCROCHÉ UNE PLACE EN PLAYOFF | | 172 | [37 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/128z7zo/stay_golden_nevada/) | [Stay Golden, Nevada](https://i.redd.it/7kwfaigbsdra1.jpg)| | 152 | [18 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12bo5xn/my_poster_that_im_taking_to_the_game_tonight/) | `[Armor Up]` [My poster that I’m taking to the game tonight!](https://i.redd.it/dsl4k091qxra1.jpg)| | 129 | [6 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/1284cqh/same/) | [Same](https://i.imgur.com/qzZ6lC7.jpg)| | 124 | [13 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12b78f7/fear_him/) | [Fear Him…](https://i.redd.it/3ohbdh279sra1.jpg)| | 116 | [10 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/129gipu/a_community_post_regarding_my_memes_some_of_yall/) | `[Community]` [A community post regarding my memes some of y’all have probably seen after big wins, and why I won’t make them for our last 2 games against Nashville on the season.](https://i.redd.it/8rrwkfsvhhra1.jpg)| | 95 | [55 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/129a3fj/pgt_knights_win/) | `[Post Game]` PGT : LES CHEVALIERS GAGNENT | | 90 | [17 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12b759j/i_love_pavel_dorofeyev/) | J’AIME PAVEL DOROFEEV| | 89 | [89 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12b73es/pgt_winlessota_mild/) | PGT : WINLESSOTA DOUX | | 88 | [37 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/127wefl/webster_cassidy_says_mark_stone_has_begun_light/) | [[Webster] Cassidy says Mark Stone has begun light skating as part of his rehab. Adds Reilly Smith is skating and close.](https://twitter.com/DannyWebster21/status/1641884956824850433)|   ###Meilleurs messages de merde | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 71 | [5 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/12b76sj/w/) | `[Shitpost]` [W.](https://i.redd.it/3rqklzcaqtra1.jpg)| | 61 | [3 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/12a8j6u/meme/) | `[Shitpost]` [meme](https://i.redd.it/0q5gy2jlumra1.jpg)| | 45 | [4 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/127ay7w/we_may_have_lost_but_hey_atleast_thats_9_dollars/) | `[Shitpost]` [We may have lost but hey atleast that’s 9 Dollars to the Trevor Project plus a Standings Point.](https://i.redd.it/gxfndw8su1ra1.jpg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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