@Flames de Calgary

Ne perdez pas de vue qui est le vrai bouc émissaire

Ne perdez pas de vue qui est le vrai bouc émissaire



  1. Hocker9

    Widedog catching strays in 2023 like we all expected

  2. TalithePally

    We could be like the Jets fans and blame Andersson for some reason

  3. Nice-End-4742

    kinda need him to come back and give tonights refs a good scare

  4. gfountyyc

    What a silly post. Clearly this team stinks cause we are still paying for the slick goal schlemko made in the shootout.

  5. undeletable-2

    I don’t even call him Wideman anymore, or Dennis. He’s just « The Wide Man », like he’s some cheesy, silent, and formless early 2010s horror movie antagonist that’s already been forgotten.

  6. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    I have a signed Dennis Wideman pick. Perhaps I should burn it and sacrifice it to scorch

  7. BroodwarGamer

    2016 was 7 years ago… Oh man time flies

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