@Stars de Dallas

Le PROBLÈME de Luka Doncic…

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  1. lol this is cap. lukas problem isnt that hes too good. its lack of defense. lack of leadership. lack of conditioning. he gassed towards the end of the year and in 4th qs has they were statistically the worst in close games. typicall luka coddling. if trae makes playins and luka doesnt end trae would have had a more successful career thus far with a way worse team. no doubt luka is crazy good but to put him in any comparison with bron…. i dunno brother… how much help you gotta have to make at least playin.. thats 10 teams outta 15. ppl said he was 2th best in the league yet cant will his team to a top 10 spot? in the west? when's that ever happened.

  2. They are like the hawks a few years ago made it to the conference finals, had high expectations next season and had a bad season. They can still make the play in but they shouldn’t be in this situation when you trade for another star like Kyrie.

  3. His teammates can't make wide open shots! Is he supposed to train them too? His coach doesn't understand his job! Is he supposed to teach him too?

  4. as a huge mavs fan unfortunately here comes the were rebuilding excuse for the next 3 years

  5. This was the problem Portland faced for years. We had the longest streak of playoff appearances in the NBA. We went almost 20 years of making the playoffs. As such, our draft picks were always “meh”. The only decent draft picks we had was Damian Lillard (which we stole from the Nets) and CJ (which was our pick directly after lillard was drafted).

    You can get stuck with one super star and nothing else.

  6. The East was also at its weakest during Lebron's earlier days. Now it's quite stacked.

  7. This is why I don’t understand why people wanted OKC to go all in with Shai right away, because we were patient despite Shai being really good we now have 3 potential all star level guys around Shai

  8. The guy is amazing. But how come nobody ever asks what would happen if you took away LeBron James' athleticism and made him even more of a bitch? James, under those circumstances, might have 1 Ring. Maybe.

  9. He's slow and ball dominant. I guess he's Paul Pierce of this era. That's not bad except mostly everyone else plays fast

  10. Here's an idea no one considers…

    Invest in scouting and player development more to improve what you have instead of just assuming the lottery is the only way to get all star caliber talent. See 2019 Raptors and 2021 Bucks

  11. I said same thing to my son other day. Luka to good to quick and management made moves out of desperation not patience.

  12. Luka could only win a chip as a sixth man. He’d be great off the bench but starting? Holes 🕳️

  13. Okay, I'm going to go on a bit of a rant. I love the Mavs, they are my 2nd favorite team for sure, so take the critical notes with a bit of salt, as it comes from a place of love.

    First let me go into what is pointed at in the video: Their lack of draft picks over the years and having no player capital to trade with. I for one believed in the Porzingis version of the team, despite being injured a lot, when he was healthy, he looked great and the team worked reasonably well. I also believed in last years version, Brunson proved in the playoffs that he could carry the team, Dinwiddie was solid and their defensive squad of Kleber, DFS, Bullock and Powell worked well in their frantic defense. Even Josh Green started to show signs of being what he has shown this season, being a really fast, well rounded connective player that can do a little bit of everything.

    However, their roster position now, while not good, isn't totally hopeless.
    – Jaden Hardy has shown to be an absolute steal in the draft, he seems to be a really valueable asset and will develop into a very good scorer at the very least.
    – THJ is performing well, his defensive metrics look decent and he has been really hot since the allstar break. He has some issues with his non-threes and freethrow shooting, but otherwise he seems valuable enough.
    – Christian Wood has been great, another reliable scorer that isn't great on defense. He has size, he rebounds and really tries on defense, but he misses rotations and the overall awareness is not there. He is an awesome player nonetheless and a great find for them.
    – Josh Green has blossomed into a really complete swiss army knife piece. His shooting has been down for a while after starting off really hot, but he always performs well on defense and with his activity. He can truly fit in any lineup and perform well.

    There is Justin Holiday, who has been ok, but not spectacular. JaVale McGee, who probably is a good center to have, but has been inconsistant. If you discount the Kleber / Bullock / Powell combo, who are probably worth more on the Mavs squad than for other teams, they still have quite a few good players on the team with value. They just don't work well defensively. Offensively, they are for sure a great team already. But its not impossible to trade and sign into a team that makes a lot more sense. If you have a backcourt of Kyrie and Luka as a base, probably Josh Green is the only player I wouldn't touch, maybe Kleber or Bullock, because they can shoot threes and defend well.

    Now for the less fun part: the criticism. With occasional exceptions (like the last game vs the Heat), they have not shown much effort on defense as a team. Individually, this is not the case for some. THJ has been decent, taking his signature charges and contesting well. Powell always has the effort, but he gets destroyed by faster players and doesn't have the size to defend at the 5. Lastly my standout is Kyrie Irving, he is not known for being a great defender, but the eye test, effort and some of the stats are really favorable. For what I expected of him, he really overperformed on the defensive end.

    Part of their failure is for sure not having a good defensive system that works, that is on the coaches. But also part of it is lack of effort for sure. I see Luka saving energy every single game. Sure he makes the occasional defensive play and I know if he tries he can actually defend quite well, but he just doesn't have the will, the conditioning or both to do it.
    For sure he has his offensive responsibilities, but so does Kyrie. I do not understand how an older player (31) can outwork a young 24 year old. Also, Luka needs to shut his mouth against the refs and focus on getting back on defense. He doesn't have the best luck with fouls, sometimes they don't call em because Luka is big and they don't call fouls on bigger players as much, but regardless: If you get fouled and lose the ball, run back and defend and don't sit around and moan while your team is defending 4 against 5.

    Luka is a great player, but he would be a truly awesome superstar if he can grow some stoicism and focus on playing the game over what the refs do or do not do. And lets be honest, sometimes he just runs into players and gets himself into trouble for no reason at all. I know I'm being more critical of Luka than anyone else, but as the team's main star, he needs to set the example of how they play. I don't see Brandon Ingram slacking on defense for example, even though his offensive production is equally important. Even his own teammate Kyrie is setting the example himself. I'm almost inclined to say, they work better with Luka off the floor, as Kyrie puts way more pace in the offense.

    There are some issues with lack of effort I see on other players, I know Kleber isn't contesting as much shots at the rim, maybe he is afraid of injury or there is something else going on. A lot of former solid defenders are a bit leaky, for sure this isn't all on effort but also their lack of a good system. I think DFS was probably part of their coordination and organisation on defense, as it seems without him the defense has completely fallen apart. He was always the hardest working guy, but someone has to take over that banner. A smart guy like Powell or Green could probably do it.

    There is not much else to do at this time than hope. Hope they have a break, win a few games and sneak into the play-ins and make a bit of a run. How they are playing now, they aren't going to go far, but its worth a shot if they do. Otherwise, I hope Kyrie sticks with the team, at least for 1 more year. They haven't seen it to work yet and the potential for greatness is certainly there.

    Sry for the longass post, but if you made it this far, thanks for reading!

  14. Need all shooters and easy lob converters like harden had can make it to as many wcf as James did earlier in his career and has a way better chance to at least make it past that too kyrie is bothering him kyrie can only play with lebron

  15. Stop it duded don’t blame kyrie blame Lucka ball hoggin bad shot taking holding the ball to the end of the shot clock he’s a terrible teammate and he’s cry’s all day he’s definitely to blame

  16. Letting Brunson go is like letting Steve Nash go back in the day, cost the Mavs years to get back to real contention and eventually win. Hope Luka is as patient as Dirk

  17. Young Lebron was better than a young Luka. Young Lebron playing with the talent Luka has had in his first few years is winning a chip. Luka style of play will have me with a lot of stats but no Gold to show for it🤷🏿‍♂️

  18. The defense is so bad that Im tearing my hair during the games lately. I mean its not just unstable, they are not stopping anything, the teams we meet rebounds their own misses sometimes several times, it would look comical if it was some other team's defense I was watching

  19. Luka started the season averaging 46 ppg. He was averaging 33.8/8.9/8.8 all season and the #1 scorer in the NBA until his injury 3 weeks ago. He is only 2nd to MJ in post season stats. At 23 he took his country to the Olympic semifinals for the first time and his team to the WCF. He just dropped to #2 in scoring after missing a few games, he’s #6 in assists, and #1 in total stats. But that isn’t enough for most evil people. There’s nothing wrong with this young man who has accomplished more in his short 24 years than just a very few players in NBA history.

  20. I've never had any confidence in Kidd as head coach or in Mavs ownership. Seems to me lately that the fans aren't being super cool either. Luka has that look of a superstar who's packing his bags.

  21. Should’ve kept Brunson, but Mark Cuban screwed up. Should’ve kept Porzingus, but Luka prevented any on court chemistry from forming. Dallas is a terrible organization, and Luka is too immature to be a leader.

  22. Luka’s problem is that he is immature and that his success is product of him being "raised" by the European equivalent of Warriors(I am talking about being youngest MVP and having chance to play in highest possible level). Now he plays for the Team owned by the manchild and tastes total defeat for the first time in his life.

  23. I honestly and brutally think that Dallas, obviously getting back Brunson, but it was THE TEAM to trade for Gobert, for real. Ad that to a similar offer they made for Wood but instead a 3D forward, this team was going to the finals.

    Imagine something like this:

    Brunson – Dinwiddie
    Luka – Dinwiddie/Bullock
    XXXX – Bullock
    DFS – Kleber
    Gobert – Powell

    Paint protection solved, rebounding solved and a masive lob threat solved.

    And i bet Dallas could beat Wolves on a Gobert deal, with Hardaway and Bertans as money matching, Green and Hardy as young talent, and 4 picks? Thats a offer same level as Wolves, who really only gave them Kessler for the future and the picks.

    So, Dallas was the real Gobert team. Maybe also Toronto.

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