@Golden Knights de Vegas

Support des séries éliminatoires s’il a commencé en ce moment. Irait-on jusqu’au bout ?

Support des séries éliminatoires s’il a commencé en ce moment. Irait-on jusqu’au bout ?



  1. LarsSantiago

    if this team plays the way they did when we shut out the hurricans and we stay healthy. I think we have a genuine shot to make it all the way.

    When the knights play good they dominate. They just need to do it consistently.

  2. esh513

    Boston will be out after first round. I’m calling it now! 🤞🏽

  3. ThorlinLurch

    If we stay 1st we can absolutely beat winnipeg. By 2nd round we should get stone back to face the oilers. IF that happens and we stay relatively healthy, we will come out of the west to meet the bruins. (I think the bruins win the east) but once its at the stanley cup finals we would utilize bruces knowledge of the bruins and take advantage of that. All theoretical of course. Playoffs are a completely different game.

  4. scoundrel1680

    Name a team we haven’t beaten when we’re on our game.

    But, how often are we on our game?

    We HAVE to get more consistent.

    The Oilers are riding on the backs of 2 individual players, whereas we have 10ish teammates all contributing evenly (generally speaking). I think if we can lock down McDavid again like we did a week or two ago, we can beat them again. They’re my #1 concern because there isn’t a moment while playing them where your goal is safe, shorthanded or on a power-play, they’re dangerous and always looking a step ahead.

  5. Edacos

    **Controversial, unbiased opinion incoming:**


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