@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Dave Jackson est apparu sur Leafs Morning Take et a dit ce qui suit à propos de Michael Bunting

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  1. Expire16

    Nah, just do your fucking job.

  2. secord92

    « It is the players fault they we are bad at our job » What a hell of a quote.

  3. eledad1

    Referee ego should not belong in any game. To blame the player is erroneous. If a ref cannot be impartial and accurate then he shouldn’t be in the nhl. A ref’s incompetence is never the players fault.

  4. Vilheim

    « when a player makes you look like you are bad at your job you go out of your way to be intentionally bad at your job. »

  5. Redneckshinobi

    Actually Dave, that is the refs creating the narrative, not the player.

  6. VanAgain

    The player didn’t « hurt you, » you hurt you. Be better.

  7. TittyCobra


    What a fucking legendary take

  8. Flare_Knight

    Sounds like their approach to teams as well.

    Just sum it up “I don’t like that player/team so I don’t mind doing a bad job and screwing them over.”

  9. promisedprince84

    If I behaved like an nhl ref at work I would get fired.

  10. AccountantsNiece

    “When I lose my temper and yell at my wife, that’s her creating that narrative, not me.”

  11. Reggae4Triceratops

    While I can understand a few refs having beef, all of them pouting in solidarity is ridiculous.

  12. Svalbard38

    Ah, the “but he started it!” defence.

  13. IAmTheBredman

    Call what you see, not what you think you saw. Do your fucking job

  14. zaunbie

    Jesus I would hate to see this guy go through a breakup, they hurt me in the past so I just ignore doing the right thing in case I get hurt again

  15. AppaJuicee

    They don’t get paid to over think like this lol, just call it when it happens and move on.

  16. Don’t five because the referees will think your faking. Meanwhile the players who push through hooks and holds don’t get calls because the referees feels it didn’t affect them. How about the refs do their job and let the league discipline the diving after the fact

  17. ravage1996

    Nope, that’s called being unprofessional, you’re paid hundreds of thousands to ref a fucking sport, be professional, if a player dupes you they dupe you, that’s on you and it happens every game. These refs should be losing their jobs if they are holding grudges.

  18. DC-Toronto

    It’s one thing to miss a call that is not clear cut. It a very different thing to dole out excessive punishment (10 minute misconduct) for minor infractions. That is not avoiding an embarrassing situation, that’s being vindictive and petty.

  19. Something_IDGAF

    Lmfao wtf go cry about your feelings in your own time and call the fucking right penalties

  20. LV_Laoch

    Nah this is factually untrue to the situation. If they just turned a blind eye to buntings situation and just don’t call anyone that’s one thing, but he is deliberately getting calls against him when other players should be, it’s not « oh I don’t know if he’s fucking with me, better to not try and call it » it’s actually « fuck this guy give him a goddamn penalty »

    It’s a problem

  21. Babock93

    You’ll notice the refs always stick up for one another.
    Even on TV when tnt goes to that referee on the broadcast to explain. What’s happening. They NEVER criticize the refs. So sorry ms jackson, you suck

  22. Menessy27

    Great so surely they’ll remember that Tampa faked a high sticking penalty with 0 contact in game 6 last year and not give them calls either right? No?

  23. catpashman

    I long to live in a world where I don’t have to know a refs name

  24. MedievalHag

    So, what he is saying is that NHL Refs don’t do their job right because of hurt feelings. Got it.

  25. flatgrapes

    This is not even what they are doing. They were clearly ignoring infraction on bunting or waiting for Bunting to retaliate enough to defend a calling something against him as well. These aren’t close calls or judgement calls, they are easy obvious calls.

    Part of pretty much everyone’s job is to not take things personally sometimes and just take it from the client or the boss or the regulator. But no we should never ask refs to try not to make their feelings so obviously affect our game.

    Just makes the whole thing league closer to a farce, especially when a seven game series comes down to one goal in overtime.

  26. Canadop

    I feel like the NHL is so afraid of appearing biased for the Leafs they go a little too hard the other way

  27. 2BRacin

    Dave Jackson is an idiot.

    The officials are supposed to be unbiased professionals. Obviously they are not.

  28. thevoiceinsidemyhead

    Officiating needs an overhaul …you should not have to manage the refs feelings.

  29. icheerforvillains

    Uhh don’t players get fined for diving and embellishment? Perhaps referees should also get fined for ignoring obvious infractions?

  30. DangleCellySave

    Good thing the game isn’t about the refs, like at all! Still remember Bunting getting crosschecked in the face, bleeding, and still no call

  31. Stanlee896

    What a whiney bitch just do your job

  32. SmokeontheHorizon

    Hey I just met you

    And this is crazy

    But there’s a fucking rulebook you jabroni

    So call it maybe?

  33. saulUG

    And the NHL wonders why less people are watching their league and less playing the sport…

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