@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Bruins Jack Edwards laisse entendre que les officiels favorisent les Leafs

Bruins Jack Edwards laisse entendre que les officiels favorisent les Leafs



  1. noddingacquaintance

    Jack Edwards is a shameless donkey

  2. The-Raccoon-Is-Here

    As a Leafs fan I wish we had guys calling the game with the passion Edwards has for the Bruins. I love Bowen on the radio, but when it comes to TV, I despise it. It seems like they want to appeal to all fan bases as opposed to calling the game with passion and love of a team.

  3. halifax_outsider

    I mean, at least they have an announcer who cares about their team!

  4. DevOpsMakesMeDrink

    This attitude is very common and a big reason why we get so fucked by the refs and why the media loves to crap on us. People try their hardest to not appear biased to the Leafs as if they are « one of the good ones » or something idk.

    You even see this behavior with Leaf fans themselves when they go to other subs and say things like « yeah you guys got screwed /r/leafs are homers » or whatever to get a pat on the back from another fanbase. I don’t get it.

  5. VanAgain

    And that’s all the proof Leafs fans need. We are vindicated.

  6. theguyishere16

    I dont buy in as hard as some on the refs hate Toronto angle (I just think its straight incompetence), but to say this as a Bruins ~~fan~~ broadcaster is just hilarious. If there is any team that you can argue gets preferential treatment from the refs and league its the Bruins. Marchand licked people on multiple occasions and got nothing from either the refs or league. Kadri might still be a Leaf if the refs hadnt let the Bruins run wild in 2018 and 2019 and do whatever the fuck they wanted like knee Kadri and board Marner and Marleau.

  7. thecoldshoulder

    Jack Edwards is a moron.

  8. SimianRob

    I don’t like Edwards but I also don’t think we need to hang on to every dumb one liner that he says either. I just don’t think we need to have a constant victim complex with the refs. We have all the talent in the world and we have had all the opportunities to beat weaker teams than us in the playoffs. We have another shot this year and they really need to get it done.

  9. CANUSA130

    National broadcasters try to be even handed and end up being milquetoast. Also, sports interviewers and reporters are horrible. After a loss, at least one question should drive the coach into a tantrum.

  10. SadBumblebee9

    He was doing this all game last night. Every Bruins penalty was uncalled for. He was SHRIEKING for them to call Kampf for the faceoff violation, so much so his color guy had to tell him Kampf didn’t do anything.

  11. OutsideOpposite4350


  12. Skiffy10

    i was watching the home stream and i heard this live. He’s. fucking moron homer. If it’s even close to a 50/50 he’ll say the bruins got hosed and shit like that and even his partner in the booth has to sometimes argue against him

  13. riko77can

    Jack Edwards is famous for being a clown.

  14. PersimmonMindless

    Jack Edwards is unlistenable.

  15. justjohnx24

    Watch a Raptors home broadcast. They are all about the Raps, while also complimentary to great plays from the opposing team. Fucking night and day from the garbage we get with the Leafs.

  16. thoroughly_useful

    Jack Edwards sounds like he started day drinking one day and never stopped.

  17. BirdGooch

    Well I imply that Jack Edwards is a fucking muppet and I’m sure more people than not think the same.

  18. Leafyboy34

    Jack edwards is such a clown. I wish we could have our leafs homer do our play by play on TV again though.

  19. AdamLindsay99

    Go home jack youre drunk.

  20. ShitHouseMcTits

    This guy has been drunk for years now.

  21. Current-Own

    Idk if Mickey Redmond still commentates in Detroit, but he’s wildy biased as well. It’s ok to be obvious about liking your team but these guys have to be able to see and accept reality.

  22. CdnRageBear


    is it still April fools day?

  23. gripit_ripit

    I have no idea why other fans seem to think this. We are literally the least successful team of the last 50 years

  24. mysmmx

    I seriously hope we beat Boston in the 2nd this year so we can shut these f’n clowns up. Sick of them all including Jack.

  25. ilovehockeymoms

    Jack Edward can suck a tail pipe.

  26. something1355

    And yet we can’t have Bowen on TV cuz he’s too biased….

  27. Yo_Face_Nate

    I wished for a world where the Leafs get a few favourable calls. And honestly, it has felt like my wish was sort of answered this year.

    Fuck you jack edwards. The time of the leaf is nigh.

  28. Babock93

    Shouldn’t have been an instigator penalty.

  29. considerseabass

    I actually liked the other guy

  30. BeerLeagueSnipes

    The Leafs are one of the least penalized (against) teams in the league. Everyone that should know this would have this data.

    But whatever you say Jack.

  31. Lifelion

    He’s even more unlistenable this year after he had his stroke. Always 3 seconds late

  32. 931634

    While the world implies that Jack Edwards may be coming to work drunk these days …

  33. zaphod-lives


  34. shindleria

    This guy should retire and become a heel wrestling commentator. He’s a natural.

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