@Stars de Dallas

Les joueurs devraient-ils vouloir jouer avec Luka Doncic ? Premiers débats

Les joueurs devraient-ils vouloir jouer avec Luka Doncic ? Débats First Take L’équipe First Take débat pour savoir si les joueurs devraient vouloir jouer avec Luka Doncic. #firsttake #nba ☑️ Abonnez-vous à ESPN+ : https://plus.espn.com/ 📱Obtenez l’application ESPN : http://www.espn.com/espn/apps/espn 🏀 Abonnez-vous à NBA sur ESPN sur YouTube : http ://bit.ly/2yxs3Og ☑️Abonnez-vous à ESPN sur YouTube : http://es.pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE ☑️Regardez ESPN sur YouTube TV : http://es.pn/YouTubeTV


  1. Y’all are trippin .. should people wanna play with a top 5 talent who hasn’t even reached half of his ceiling .. he’s not even in tip top shape.. he is a player or two away from being a finals team he’s that good

  2. Mavs don’t have a Luka problem or a Kyrie problem. They have a front office problem. They are responsible for constructing the correct pieces to build a championship caliber team. They need way more talent than what they have right now.

  3. 3 rando goofs and Perk, the biggest goof of em all.

  4. Luka Luka Luka… Talk about Dwight Powell for once, Reggie Bullock, THJ inconsistency

  5. The haters gonna crawl underneath their rocks now fr the ones who overhype "Luka God magic" and undermine Trae..sure, people may blame their pathetic fall off on the trade but you can't deny he had a perennial allstar(Kryrie Irving) on his team to carry the load..the team had already been plumetting to .500 even before the trade which is one thing to take note of, because it aint like they were great before the trade either..empty stats don't lead to wins people

  6. The Luka hype should be toned down and all the undermining of Trae should be toned down also..we witnessed a great reason why this season 👀

  7. It's amazing that everybody wanted to play with Luka after last years play-off run. Then Cuban made a bad call with Brunson and Kyrie, and all of a sudden its Luka. Strange guys, those media.

  8. Luka is not a PURE PG he shouldn't be playing the position he's playing making those kind of decisions making..you cannot expect to play winning basketball when you're hogging it the majority of the time and making dishes when it's late clock to teammates who's shot become more difficult..the game has to be read by you through your teammates in order to create the easiest shot for them, and if aint there then you break the defense down and look to create a shot for yourself ala CP3, Harden, Garland, Trae, Brunson all typical examples or true PGs….imo Luka should be a SF. The dude will be a detriment to a team if you look to build around him playing the point without a real PG, tbh his stats are merely just empty stats

  9. I'm glad Brunson, Finney-Smith, and Dinwiddie got traded. They wasn't getting the respect they deserved. I dont know how many times I've had to check people in the comments for saying that Luka single handedly beat the Suns when that is a lie. Those three helped Luka beat the Suns and they didn't get the credit for it. Now everyone is seeing that Luka didn't do it by himself, because all three of them are in the playoffs for their teams they helped get there and Luka isn't.

  10. Kyrie is the cancer not luka please don't get it miscundscrewed. I love watching kyrie play but definitely don't want him on my team.

  11. Kyrie ruins every situation he walks into. Why are we talking about Luka?

  12. Yes they would absolutely play with Luka…just not in Dallas 😂. In reality Luka will probably leave to go team up with another big star in a big market that has a ready made team for him.

  13. Luka is the ball himself, this is the answer 😂😂

  14. What a ridiculous point. Luka took the Mavs to the western conference finals last year. Holy smokes, recency bias much?

  15. this is so dumb. Not one player ever said they don’t want to play with luka or didn’t like luka

  16. You’re Jerry Springer media! You Media hypocrites knew the Mavs were tanking months ago, but you get more clicks by trashing Kyrie and Luka than by saying Cuban, Nico, and Kidd intentionally made their team lose a season to get a draft pick. It’s been obvious since the Allstar break with their Constant fake injuries and Kidd’s horrific losing lineups. You knew the real deal. You’re Jerry Springer media!

  17. So you fake news Jerry Springer media will bash Luka for how long? You get more clicks degrading Luka than talking about Cuban for tanking to get a draft pick. You’re disgusting.

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