@Flames de Calgary

Record Watch : Huberdeau et la plus grosse baisse de points de tous les temps

Huberdeau et le record de ‘drop off’ Hunerdeau est actuellement à 4 points de la plus grosse baisse de points de tous les temps dans l’histoire de la LNH. (IE s’il ne marque pas au moins 4 points lors des deux prochains matchs, il détient le record. Le seuil est fixé à 70 matchs et voici la liste actuelle : |**Joueur**|**1ère année**|** 2e année**|**1er points**|**2e points**|**Abandon**| :–|:–|:–|:–|:–|:–| | Bill Barber|1976|1977|112|55|-57| |Dennis Maruk|1982|1983|136|81|-55| |Bob MacMillan|1979|1980|108|61|-47| |Reggie Leach|1976| 1977|91|46|-45| |Chuck Lefley|1976|1977|85|41|-44| |Phil Esposito|1975|1976|127|83|-44| |Sergei Fedorov|1996|1997|107|63 |-44| |Mats Naslund|1989|1990|84|41|-43| |Pete Mahovlich|1976|1977|105|62|-43| |Vaclav Nedomansky|1980|1981|74|32|-42| | Wayne Gretzky|1991|1992|163|121|-42| |Joe Mullen|1989|1990|110|69|-41| |Mike Modano|2003|2004|85|44|-41| |André Boudrias|1975| 1976|78|38|-40| |Brian MacLellan|1985|1986|85|45|-40 Edit : je dois aimer la colonne Win ! https://thewincolumn.ca/2023/02/14/jonathan- huberdeau-est-sur-le-rythme-pour-battre-un-malheureux-record-nhl-cette-saison/



  1. hey-there-yall

    What a bust. Between him and markstrom. Horrendous season.

  2. NotFuryRL

    Ain’t easy to adjust to Sutter’s systems. He’s also been performing pretty well in the last 20 some games.

  3. Bigasspikachu

    Its awesome that his ice time is down 2 and half minutes a game so that we can play Lucic more

  4. gelc10

    Also doesn’t help when your coach plays you on your off-wing

  5. NoxinLoL

    Gretzky is on this list can’t be too bad

  6. Send_Headlight_Fluid

    Sutter needs to go

  7. Illustrious_Web_75

    This a bogus statistic. Huberdeau has averaged 55 points a season for 9 years. His 115 points of last season is the anomaly here, not the 54 he’s gotten so far this season. It’s almost bang on the average of the 9 seasons before the 115 jump. He’s normally not a 100 point player. Don’t expect him to get anywhere near that again.

  8. iggyisgoat

    I’m fully convinced he can get back to 80-90 point range under a new coach. Absolutely not a fit under Sutter especially when he plays him 16min a night. I have no idea why Sutter has completely avoided playing him with Lindholm and Toffoli since the beginning of the season. Makes absolutely 0 sense.

    It’ll also help when the Flames have a competent powerplay. Using a player with Huberdeau’s strengths as a net front presence in absurd.

  9. Candid_Chapter2221

    Yeah 163points to only 121. What a loser

  10. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    We’re just getting all kinds of records this year. None of the good ones though

  11. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    He spent a decade with the same team. Got blindsided by a trade across the globe to a Canadian market with huge expectations before he even got here.

    Then played on his off wing all season.

    From what I’ve seen in the few games on his natural wing I’m not worried. Inject some youth into the roster next year and good things could happen.

  12. Calling__Elvis

    So he’s on the list with Gret, Modano, and Barber? Not the worst thing in the world.

    And Hub went from a sunny place with palm trees, music, laughter, and cosmopolitans to a snowy, cold, dark, and empty place so not a surprise at all now that I think about it. And he’s coached by a stiff.

  13. keeper3434

    Poopberdeau took too many nights off

  14. aristotle8720

    He was doomed the day he was exposed for needing to take a shit

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