@Panthers de la Floride

Koepka Shadenfreude

L’homme a oublié que vous ne jouez pas avec le karma, mais vous devez quand même jouer les 18 derniers trous. Ne plaisante pas avec notre garçon.



  1. HammockDweller789

    LoL, thanks for connecting the dots for me. Fuck that guy.

  2. KatelynC110100

    He was just telling Ekblad that he’s going to stick that in his own ass that night

  3. rppowers14

    Lol you guys are too sensitive. He’s a South Florida guy, obviously a big panthers fan and pays attention… ekblad hasn’t exactly been great this year. And for Brooks.. 2nd at the masters and playing on the LIV I’m sure he’s making out just fine.

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