@Stars de Dallas

Dallas Mavericks | La plus grande « parodie absolue » de la NBA et pourquoi cela ne fera qu’empirer !

Les Dallas Mavericks terminent leur saison 2023 de manière humiliante et embarrassante. Cette vidéo détaillera les luttes que les superstars ont endurées et pourquoi cela pourrait empirer ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/WilsonSy93 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wilsonsy93/ Sources : Basketball-Reference.com Musique : Anthem – The Grand Affair – Hip Hop et Rap – Bibliothèque audio YouTube GRATUITE Dreamy Flashback par Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) sous licence Creative Commons : par attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ utiliser » à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur de l’équité utiliser. »


  1. Defense and rebounding alone won't help Dallas to a chip: two iso-heavy guards playing together just isn't the recipe for sustained playoff success.

  2. Sorry boys it’s chess not checkers Dallas now has a top 10 pick and will have massive cap space once Kyrie walks

  3. 1:00 THE GREATEST INTRO TO THE GREATEST DISS TRAKKKK 😂😂😂 ayo I jus started watching yo content where tf I been at 😭😭 na you literally started spittin rhyming n all I’m in TEARSSSSS

  4. You can’t be mad at the Mavs for exploiting a flaw in the system. They should be allowed to keep their picks they didn’t break any rules

  5. Not even 30 seconds in and I feel like I just witnessed the most roastful opening in the history of me watching youtube

  6. I’m a Knicks fan, and I’ve always said that Dolan is the worst owner in the NBA. After seeing this, I think Cuban takes the cake

  7. Great picture of Luka's happy, happy facei in Cubans co….I hope it's Cuban's downfall…
    Day or two ago you said something Mavs should earns Luka…., Mark.,you're too late for that!
    Luka is naive, trusting, but not dumb…he just wanna plays and wins…with you it's impossible., and he already knew that!

  8. Dude this is some toxic ass content and I really hope you get some help you’re SO angry bro 😂

  9. Cuban is just a business man and doesn’t know basketball. He’s need to be replaced by someone who’s actually interested

  10. Lakers last year was worse!! Imagine 4 HOF with 3 Top 75 has one of the worst record in the league lol

  11. "Resting" key players in a must win game, on the last day of the season, is truly a TRAVESTY!

  12. Such a travesty that they traded for Kyrie. I know how Mavs fans feel know. As Celtics fan feel the pain

  13. Had not for winning the 2011 NBA finals, this had "legacy of failure" video written all over like the Metroplex's MLB team

  14. You were spitting absolute facts.. The Dallas Mavs are an absolute disgusting franchise right now and they should be punished by having this pick he traded that he somehow cared so much about now just unprotected.. Make a statement against this kind of bullshit NBA.. Such a bad look for the league

  15. There going to do to Luka what they did to Dirk bcuz let's b real Dirk should have retired with at least 2 or 3 championships he was lucky to get 1 bcuz he had no help the same thing with Luka there not going to get him any help they traded away important players for Kyrie Irving an really he plays when it's important for him

  16. How do you miss the playoffs when you play in the same division as the Rockets and the Spurs? You'd have to be turbo bad.

  17. The Dallas Mavericks……


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