@Canucks de Vancouver

Horvat s’excuse pour ses récents commentaires contre Vancouver

Source: [Islanders Twitter](https://twitter.com/patersonjeff/status/1645471483291107328?s=46&t=-6TfoOPAfQTkNPNNmaLWhA)



  1. Chicken8991

    I can feel the regret in his voice.

  2. Empty-Ad-2615

    Hope he enjoyed his time as a captain because he was not a good one and will never be one again canucks dodged a bullet

  3. truestlife

    Re-uploaded clip after trimming video to not include the rest of Horvat’s availability that didn’t have to do with this matter

  4. -DarkTiger-

    As noted on Jeff Marek’s show with Friedman today, Horvat apologizes to the city, fans and teammates but does not mention ownership.

    Is this the quickest face to heel then back to face turn in the history of this great sport?

  5. brodiefilm

    His original comment was the sports equivalent of a band going “wow, what a great crowd here tonight. Much louder than [insert name of last city]”.

  6. Consistent_Grab_5422

    As a Canucks fan, I thought it was funny. Canadian fans are way over the top…since there isn’t much else to cheer for.

  7. OldBigsby

    Lol, come on Horvat! You said a dickhead thing towards us and you should stand by it!

  8. Badawaii

    Probably didn’t mean it and was just trying to hype the crowd up, but it’s also okay for us as Canucks fans to feel disrespected by the comments

    Would’ve been great if he, you know, didn’t say what he said unprompted considering we weren’t even mentioned, but it is what it is

    It’d be kind of karmatic if the Islanders missed now though lmao

  9. johnggarland

    He wasn’t expecting people to be pissed? Fuck Bo Horvat!

  10. JerbearCuddles

    It was a great opportunity to spawn a mini-cross conference rivalry. And he soiled it by walking it back. So much for the « heel » narrative.

  11. truestlife

    I dunno man, if you’re gonna trash talk, stand behind it. Walking it back almost makes me respect him less. And if you’re gonna walk it back, it needs to be a genuine remorseful apology where either you say you were wrong or clarify your comments with a more believable explanation.

    Instead his apology of “didn’t mean any disrespect”, “sorry if it offended anybody”, seems just like him covering his ass now that there’s all this backlash. Like instead, he could have said that Vancouver hadn’t really been in the playoff picture (with fans) for a while so he hadn’t experienced that excitement in a long time. And I would have understood that, and he would have made it very clear it’s not a dig at the fans. But here he doesn’t really make me believe it wasn’t.

  12. schierke_schierke

    fuck you, but no disrespect intended

  13. H34thcliff

    Holy fuck, you guys are too sensitive.

  14. G-Hoffa

    In the moment I was an a**hole. I’m really happy to be in the position that I didn’t earn. I was caught in the moment and referenced a city I used play for and called them to task, when I hardly through a body check when the team need energy or stood up for anyone as Captain.

    Thanks Bo, going to be difficult to earn that paycheck. Just wait till the Islanders fanbase turns on you once you go back to a 25 goal scorer, you’ll wish you were back in Vancouver.

  15. ANarrowUrethra

    I really didn’t care until he tried to walk it back. You can’t have your cake and eat it too Bo. You want to make that kind of statement for the NY fans cool. Play the villian if you want. But you don’t get to make the statement and then say oh well I didn’t mean it, don’t be mad at me lol.

    Kinda lame if you ask me

  16. Physics_Puzzleheaded

    This fanbase is sooooo dramatic.

  17. jsol95

    This fan base really has a chip on its’ shoulder. I’m not going to let one heat of the moment comment make me forget he played his heart out for this franchise. Were those years particularly good? No, but that’s on ownership.

  18. julesieee

    There should be a TRIGGER WARNING! I’m literally SHAKING RN!


  19. Knight_On_Fire

    So many kneejerks in this fanbase. Someone should name himself Kneejerk and troll you guys.

  20. saint_godzilla

    People are way too critical on this one. He’s finally in a playoff push, he had two over his 9 years in Vancouver. Good for him.

  21. thesunsetflip

    Already soured on Bo don’t care

  22. therocksays13

    Fans want players to show some personality. When they do, everyone takes their words, micro-analyzes them to death and takes them personally like an insult. People here need to touch grass if this is enough to provoke such emotion.

  23. metrichustle

    It’s not a big deal, but he knew what he was doing and now backtracking is a bit awkward. He doesn’t want to deal with the repercussions, but it was clear as day he disrespected Vancouver fanbase. If no reporter asked him about it, he wouldn’t have apologized. It’s also no big deal if Vancouver fans feel hurt by this. Sports is all about emotion, so feel however you like.

    That said, I am beginning to think Horvat wasn’t a great Captain at all and that’s probably why he butted heads with Miller, who was really passionate. Miller was visibly angry the team couldn’t get the last win for Boudreau for example. Bo has always seem like a guy who doesn’t care about anything.

    « I’ll tell you that for *free*. »

    Someone mentioned, it seems like that was directed at management who was unwilling to pay more than $5.5 million per year. This is implying they wanted Bo to play « for free ».

  24. TheRealTollah

    He said the word apology, but there’s no actual apology for anything, nor did he explain himself.

    I have no fucks left about this any more.

    What I am looking forward to is how incredibly awkward its going to be when Bo returns, gets a warm welcome back, and a nice video. Just because Bo exposed his character in a poor light doesn’t mean I don’t still appreciate his play over the years.

    I feel like a great way to get revenge here is also the right thing to do, and high-road him. Show him he was wrong. Canucks fans and the city are great, even when our captain fails to lead the team to the playoffs.

  25. steven09763

    Lol it’s over dude . Move on

  26. wangjor

    It’s already been said but this sub is so fucking dramatic over this. What he said was shitty but sounded 100% off the cuff, something said in the heat of the moment like he says here.

  27. Sure-Toe-9837

    Eat a bag of dicks, Messier 2.0 !!

  28. Historian_Acrobatic

    Who cares what his opinion of us was, or is, or will be in the future. He’s a moot point and a placeholder Captain who brought nothing to the city other than the stale teams he was part of. He’s moved on and so should we… and quite frankly, the TEAM is better off. Look at that Cap Hit! (ouch).

  29. AtsugariChairman

    Comparable – when Tavares signed long term with the Leafs I don’t recall him trolling the entire Isles fanbase and city saying its a hell of alot better in TO than on the Island (even with the relentless jeering and booing Tavares still gets). Think of all the captains who left their crap teams for a shot elsewhere and then made a comment like this a month or so later. not many. Bo shld hv said its amazing finally being in a playoff hunt in an electric atmosphere in front of great fans etc. its a shame he had to drag the Vancouver name into it b/c I truly think he’s a good dude who just said this the wrong way. Time will heal but he’s going to hv to deal with a ton of hate for awhile. Live by the sword…..

  30. alc086

    Fakest sounding apology ever. It just screams insincerity and lack of ownership of his comments, just like when he was captain here. Bo Horvat? More like Boo Horvat

  31. DickheadPrime

    He should have just embraced it and gone full heel. Giving some half-assed apology to walk it back is just boring.

  32. NotoriousBananaHavoc

    Fuck Bo and Messier

  33. drkamakazi

    I’m still cheering for Washington to beat them tonight

  34. crap4you

    Is he getting ripped apart on twitter? I guess the Islander’s media must have told him about all the hate.

  35. tonyyj

    “It’s a lot better than Vancouver, I can tell you that for free”.

    “I didn’t mean any disrespect to the fans of Vancouver or my teammates or city of Vancouver at all. It wasn’t directed at them at all”.


    Still a phony.

  36. mtraz44

    I’m over it. He’s my ex-Canuck, so if he wants to shit talk me to his new fan base, he can. That’s why we broke up in the first place.

  37. Commercial_Toe_421

    He was told to apologize, I’ll tell you that for free

  38. lorik1313

    I don’t sense sincerity at all. I see a smirk. Oh well. I wore your # with pride. Guess i will go get a Hughes jersey and let my Horvat gather dust.

  39. uriahjokes

    I love the score of the caps game rn 3-0

  40. ManyArmedGod

    The guy was the captain, essentially the champion and embodying the teams spirit.

    He didn’t have any need to bring Vancouver into the question, it’s as simple as “I love the atmosphere and energy of the hunt, can’t wait to play again, thanks islander fans” or some such. Any way it shakes out it’s a dumb move, it tarnishes his reputation.

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