@Flames de Calgary





  1. Had that on speed dial there buddy

  2. Iginlas_4head_Crease

    The longest most painful death is finally over

  3. Varides

    Seriously… nick Ritchie as the 3rd shooter…

  4. Sufficient-Cookie404

    Didn’t want this posted until the playoffs, I’m… emotional?!?

  5. GringoColombiano

    Lose the UFC event in case the flames make the playoffs, couple days later miss the playoffs.
    This is the way.

  6. Hockeylover420

    We should just rebuild at this point we lost the trade

  7. ExtracurricularLoan

    Panthers fan here. I’m downloading this for Thursday night. Some may have given you all shit for “losing the trade” and missing the playoffs- not me. Our tragedy is just delayed. I can smell it in the air.

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