@Wild du Minnesota

[Russo] (en ce qui concerne les gens qui appellent Rossi un buste) «Koivu avait comme un but lors de ses 43 derniers matchs en tant que recrue de 23 ans. Est le meilleur buteur de tous les temps du Wild »



  1. introspectivejoker

    He’s right. Rossi lost a year to COVID and so you have to expect less than what you think he should have been at this point in time. He’s seen almost no time in the bigs and has more recently thrived in Iowa. Just chill. We’ve been sooooooo spoiled by Boldy and Kaprizov that we forget what regular development looks like

  2. Riromug

    Ek also was paraded around as a bust by this sub. Brodin got a looooot of shit.

    Fans on this sub should know better than to think that the jury is in on Marco Rossi.

  3. bblakemore10

    The last person I want Rossi compared to is Koivu

  4. CommonLoon13

    I’m not saying Rossi is a bust. I don’t believe that yet. However, and I can be wrong, this stat about Koivu speaks more about the lack of consistent scoring for the Wild. In my opinion, it doesn’t really mean a Wild player can start slow and then become a great scorer and holding the franchise record for goals. It means the Wild suck at finding and keeping consistent, quality scoring.

    I don’t expect him to be a 30-goals-a-season player for us anyway. He had 16 goals in 50-some games in Iowa this year. I hope he can turn into a chance creator that can score 15-20 goals for us.

    It’s too early to rule out Rossi or even Addison (I hope I don’t get too much hate for the Addison comment haha).

  5. blow_zephyr

    The amount of hate Rossi is getting is crazy. There were a few posters in the game thread last night that made like 20 posts each about how awful Rossi is. Like, what did he do to take up that much of your headspace?

  6. DrMantalban

    Def too soon, but man is it ever peak Russo to cherry pick success stories like that. He’s had no problem sewering 24 year old 10th OA pick in Jost or 30th OA in Steel. And if we wanna start itemizing a list of undersized centers that fell short in the NHL, we won’t have to look very hard.

    Rossi is 21 and as far as I’m concerned has his entire ELC to find his role and identity. But i also don’t think it’s doomer shit to raise an eyebrow at his play thus far.

  7. Jabba_the_Putt

    Who cares what some idiots on Twitter said? Why is any attention even given to these airheads?

  8. AllenMpls

    Please, this sub demands instant success for everyone. /s

    He is still very young.

    Centremen take longer to develop.

    But you say McDavid was good right away? comparing 9th overall to the 1st is crazy

  9. skittlebrow

    Centers take longer! A lot more responsibility. Hell be fine

  10. donwothe

    I mean boldy struggled earlier this year without good linemates and with more development. Not to mention the difference in position difficulty. The Rossi talk is silly.

  11. nupharlutea

    Koivu at least could play some defense if he wasn’t scoring. That appears to be Rossi’s problem.

  12. PepperWilling4393

    Its fair to pull back enthusiasm for Rossi a bit but :

    1.) if he scores a goal or a couple of assists in these last games most of the jabronis chriping him will flip completely

    2.) there is a wide range of outcomes for Rossi between superstar & bust (like Ek, Brodin, Dumba, etc) and that’s the most probable outcome

    3.) Rossi would probably have much more production on another team that plays looser and in transition more or on a less successful team where he’d have a longer leash

    4.) Rossi would obviously produce more with consistent ice time with better linemates. Right or wrong Dean + Bill seem to like to have their top prospects play on their own with minimal help to establish themselves. We saw it with Boldy – it took forever for him to get paired with Fiala and then with Johansson this year. We’ve seen it with Rossi. Weve seen it with Addison who typically gets paired up with the less talented defensemen on the team. We may be seeing the same with Faber as he’s started out with Goligoski. Right or wrong I think its a conscious development decision the organization has made.


    Also think the Addison-hate is getting a bit silly now. In a different circumstances on a different team his weaknesses wouldnt be so exposed and his strengths would be getting played up. He did assist on the first goal of the game btw!

  13. trillwhitepeople

    Completely different comparables. Ek was drafted because he was a complete 200′ player with offensive upside. He always had elite defensive upside, and some size to go with it. Rossi was drafted to be a play driver and puck distributer. If he can’t develop those skills at the NHL level, he doesn’t have the other skills and size Ek does to fall back on.

    FWIW I fully believe Rossi will figure it out eventually. I want him to succeed both for him, the franchise, and my own mental sanity.

  14. >“Koivu had like one goal in his final 43 games as a 23 year old rookie. Is the Wild’s all time leading scorer”

    For a « star » player, Koivu had one above average season and a career of mediocrity. He just happened to be here twice as long as long as any other forward. Koivu scored at a .6897 p/g pace, Granlund .6876 p/g, PMB .6141, Brunette .6564.

    Koivu scored 60 goals three times and hit the 20 goal mark twice in 15 years. Never notched more than 22 goals. Hes a fine player, but to use the all-time leading scorer stat to paint him as a world beater is a bit ridiculous.

  15. cisforcookie2112

    I’m not too concerned quite yet about Rossi. It seems he has the right attitude and work ethic and his issues seem to be more of a crisis of confidence. He does not seem to be comfortable and plays nervous. If he can find that confidence I think he will improve.

  16. Goose312

    They keep not putting him into a position to succeed and he’s not succeeding. Shocking.

    Look at how the Jets handled Perfetti. He had a good preseason so they started him in the top 6 on the wing and accepted growing pains. Now he’s a fixture on their roster. The Wild decided to jerk Rossi around and destroy his confidence, now when they need him to step up they still are treating him like a plug.

  17. People are dumb as shit. He isn’t a bust, he isn’t the messiah, he is a 21 year old prospect. We can blab and predict all we want, in the end we won’t know shit until he is ready.

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