@Jets de Winnipeg

Dilly et les égratignures saines sont absolument FIRED UP pour Lowry après son inclinaison avec Reaves

Dilly et les égratignures saines sont absolument FIRED UP pour Lowry après son inclinaison avec Reaves



  1. eh_toque

    Anyone have a spare wall I can run through?!

  2. Knickelbach

    I got banned from the wild sub lol

  3. milkisforbabies666

    I posted a joke meme in r/hockey about Lowry with a heavyweight belt and it got people (mostly wild fans) so riled up I got contacted by a bot and invited to r/ControversialClub because it was the most controversial post on all of reddit in the last hour. Wild fans inboxing me 🤣

  4. CdnBison

    Curious about what the league does – pretty sure they put some rules in place about sending the goons out after the Kessel – John Scott tussle. I don’t think Reaves is a usual PP guy for the Wild, is he?

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