@Avalanche du Colorado

Nashville vient d’être éliminé des séries éliminatoires…

Nashville vient d’être éliminé des séries éliminatoires…



  1. MurrayPloppins

    You know, at this point, having won a cup and seen how much trading Duchene actually benefited us, I feel like it’s time to put the Duchene spite to rest and moJUST KIDDING SUCK IT DUCHENE.

  2. Immo406

    *ahem* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^

  3. TheLateFry

    He did score a couple of playoff goals when the Avs swept the Perds last season. That counts, right?

  4. crepss

    Tbh after watching the handshakes after last years series against the preds I just can’t really hold the grudge on him anymore. Pity him a bit more than anything lol

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