@Kraken de Seattle

Rentrée des classes pour les Kraken qui obtiennent 100

Réaction des fans de Seattle Kraken au kraken frappant 100 points sur la saison alors que le balayage complet sur l’Arizona à l’ASU. Suivez-moi sur Twitter si vous le souhaitez : https://twitter.com/ScottBrenden Ou Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cheapseatssc/


  1. I'm happy the Kraken got their milestones out of the way in the Yotes games. Now they can focus on playing playoff style hockey against a playoff calibre team.

  2. They keep reaching these once absurd goals…. And all you want is more!
    Only thing left to wish for is a hot goalie

  3. Watching the two yotes colid and fall over right as Bjorkstrand scored was a highlight

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