@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Pingouins @ Blue Jackets 4/13 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Penguins de Pittsburgh aux Blue Jackets de Columbus


  1. CBJ is the dumbest organization in the league. They secretly hate their fans and they are allergic to winning. They move to being 100% a top 3 position in the draft to being a likely 70% chance in the 4th and 5th spot because Emil Bemstrom had to get his meaningless 7 goal of the year with 3 minutes left in the game. What a moron. This coach is an idiot.

  2. See you next season Pens. Hard reset this off-season, and you can start by firing Ron Hextall.

    Love you boys, see you in October, Let's Go Pens!

  3. Just like I say about the Browns, next year we will be better CBJ.

  4. Идиоты, как можно удаляться в третьем периоде 3 раза подряд в таком важном матче. Короче пингвины сделали всё чтобы не попасть в плей-офф, это и домашняя игра с Чикаго, при том что играли с двумя наихудшими командами на данный момент. Даже Флорида подарила шанс уступив дома Каролине, но Питтсбург решил всей командой отправиться играть в гольф, бай-бай 👋😆 хоть я и болею за ПП давно, но это было полное дно, в п-о делать нечего.

  5. Thank God this season’s over! This is the most disappointing season since the 18-19 season. Well, I got to enjoy and witness those 2016 and 2017 Stanley cups. That’s all that matters! I will always be Penguins fan!

  6. Penguins would rather mess up draft picks for the Blackhawk and bluejackets than try to get into the playoffs or end their season with some dignity

  7. Pens have 11 OTL this season. 1-1 in the shootout which means they gave up 10 OT goals. Maybe work on 3v3 in practice? Idk. I'm not a coach or anything but seems like it makes sense.

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