@Blackhawks de Chicago

[Roumeliotis] Les cotes de la loterie des Blackhawks ont été officiellement déterminées après avoir terminé 30e au classement

• N° 1 au classement général : 11,5 % • N° 2 au classement général : 11,5 % • N° 3 au classement général : 7,4 % • N° 4 au classement général : 40,7 % • N° 5 au classement général : 28,8 %



  1. MostMirror

    At least the Hawks have a guaranteed top 5 pick

  2. PanarinBagel

    Time to be optimistic CAUSE ITS A CHOICE

  3. Ragnarr_Lodbrok88

    I’m going to be delusional about getting Bedard until it doesn’t happen.

  4. twitchrdrm

    If they do not have a top 3 pick I think I am alright w/ drafting Michkov and rolling the dice.

    All we can do is see what happens on 5/8 and see if the draft gods bestow some luck upon us although I wish the statistics were pulling in our favor 🙁

  5. SecondCityMeatball

    The Football Gods giveth, the Hockey Gods taketh away.

  6. ron_fendo

    Beating the Pens was catastrophic for both teams. Shesh.

  7. AndyThatSaysNi

    Ok, but I just simmed the lottery 1 time and it landed on the Hawks. Do with that information what you will.

  8. Brodie1567

    Still a 23% chance we get top 2.

  9. kbergstr

    23% chance for bedard or fantilli isn’t bad

  10. The_Wata_Boy

    Everyone bet all your money on the hawks not getting the 1st pick and will this bad boy into existence.

  11. annoyin_professional

    The fact that both Richardson and Davidson are apparently both too stupid and incompetent to make sure that the team simply loses key games down the stretch when it matters doesn’t give me much hope for the future even if Bettman freezes an envelope for us. Trade away all that young talent to be bad just to fuck yourself with unforced errors when it counts.

  12. DiamondBurInTheRough

    I’m honestly just relieved that I don’t have to root for losses anymore. This season was very emotionally confusing and I’m just ready to know where we land in the draft so we can either get excited for a new franchise player or we learn to love who we get. I’ll cheer them on either way.

  13. TheOlSneakyPete

    We will get a great player regardless of 1 or 5. But, please just don’t let the blues win the lottery. FTB!

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