@Flames de Calgary

Lucic & Hanifin – 14.04.23

« Ils ont rendu ça amusant pour moi à nouveau. Je remercie les gens ici pour ça … les fans ont rendu ça amusant chaque jour pour moi. »


  1. Reddit bots needs to chill out on the looch hate, I hope he’s here for more seasons but it seems like the glances and the online spirits lean on him to move on. I really hope things work out in a very positive way.

  2. With how many young guys coming into the lineup next year Lucic could be missed on the physical side. Having him around opens up space for some of the more skilled guys so itll be interesting to see if he comes back to the league for league minimum. Still the champ of the heavyweights

  3. Flames need to build a two way team like the Oilers have, every game “shouldn’t” need be a one goal game, defensive style play can get you through the playoffs, but these days it doesn’t get you into the playoffs.

  4. Hanifin has become the most underrated and underappreictad Flame over the last two years. would love to see him here long term and would not be shocked to see a letter on his jersey.

  5. I love Lucic commitment to the team as he always did what was asked of him by Sutter.

  6. Lucic- the typical over paid under performer. What ever job you do should be fun? Ya, ok, sure. That’s not how real life works. Good luck finding a contract in the NHL

  7. It's amazing to me that the Islanders made it in but the Flames missed out…I'm a Canes fan but I'll admit the Flames have a good team.

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