@Blackhawks de Chicago

Toews marque dans son match FINAL en tant que Blackhawk

Le capitaine des Blackhawks de Chicago, Jonathan Toews, obtient le but de redirection lors d’un avantage numérique lors de son dernier match en tant que Blackhawk.


  1. Idk why but I’ve always wanted to see Crosby and Toews on the same team. Both wonderful two way players and great leaders. Plus 6 cups between the two 😂

  2. Toews was an integral part of the Hawks winning 3 Cups in 5 years. Unfortunately his reward was a big contract that hampered Chicago for the last 8 years. Was it worth it? Definitely as there are many clubs still chasing their 1st Cup.

  3. From 2009 to 2016….you could make the case that this was the most complete hockey player in NHL history. He got a lot of hate because of the Hawks success but hopefully over time he will be appreciated.

  4. Tazer wherever you go, you will always be our Captain of the Blackhawks no matter what! I love you man! Thanks for making us Chicagoan’s lives a lot less boring! Peace Captain Serious! ✌️

  5. I have a feeling this might be his last game. That has to be very special for him too, even if it's just the last for the Hawks. Watching the Craig Anderson video and now this, today is a W for hockey.

  6. What a legacy. I think he'll retire, and if he does he'll be a legend. One of Chicago's greats. That's a hell of a club to be in.

  7. He went for a normal celebration then realized the magnitude of that moment and celly’d hard. Great player, would love if my senators offered him a contract next year.

  8. Sharks fan, but glad Toews was able to notch one final goal in what is possibility his FINAL career game. 👏👏👏

  9. Im from Vegas but Im a huge Hawks fan. when I got into hockey back in 08-09sh the Hawks were the first team I liked. so I liked to say Thank you Toews

  10. What a way to end a career in Chicago, if he decides to keep playing, I hope he achieves another cup elsewhere.

  11. Great career, tainted legacy for his defending of the old FO group imo but great career.

  12. Bruins fan, Toews is a respected champion here in New England. A marvelous career in Chicago.

  13. I knew I was getting old when Seabrook, my original favorite player from when I began watching in 06-07 retired. Now my other favorite in Toews is done! I remember Chicago drafting him and I was young enough at the time I didn't realize what the draft was, I only knew the Blackhawks website seemed excited about him so I was too. Then he scored in his first game, and then not many weeks later he scored a highlight reel goal I remember to this day against Colorado where he undressed half the team, and a year later Chicago finally won the Cup and Toews won the Hart. Such a bittersweet day remembering those moments, I'm glad they happened, but it makes me realize just how old I've gotten watching a guy who was 19 when he entered the league, play possibly his last game in the league at 34.

  14. Not a Hawks fan, but I’m a Canadian hockey fan and we’re endlessly proud of Tazer. Seems like a solid dude and he’s a legend of a player. Really hope he signs somewhere else.

  15. Living in Chicago I’m glad I had the chance to see him play for the Blackhawks for as long as he did.

  16. Is and always was a stud captain
    Vocal leader
    Played all ends of the game evenly
    If Bergeron weren't a thing he'd have way more Selke trophy's Forsure a legend
    Thank you captain serious

  17. Think he will retire too but it would be cool to see him as a third line center / pp and faceoff specialist on an elite team.

    But since he wasn’t traded at the deadline this is it.

    The captain went down with the ship. No more players left from that era.

    True story is the night after the first parade, he walks into the bar I’m at (fiends bachelor party) with the cup and Toews stands on the bar, we pour beers in the cup and he pours it into our mouths. Unbelievable

  18. Thank you captain toews my favorite player and the only jersey I’ve ever owned, thank you for the cups, the playoffs the game 7s a legendary run #forever19

  19. Not a Hawks fan, but man part of me wishes Kane was still here to send Toews off.

  20. Ты истинный капитан который покидает корабль под названием "Чикаго блек Хоукс" последний!!!

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