@Ligue nationale de hockey

…s’il te plaît.

…s’il te plaît.



  1. Background-Ad1919

    Imo… only Edmonton stands a chance against the beasts of the east

  2. Anthonyyy_409

    I’d love to see us win the cup, but I’d love to see the Oilers or Leafs win a cup too. It’d be awesome.

  3. Miserable_Dealer4554

    Jets sure, but that’s the (unfortunately) least likely.

  4. Future_Ad_7445

    Who wants to break them the bad news?

  5. Hustle-Muscle

    Oilers/Leafs final would be a dream

  6. Fedbackster

    Ranger fans enter the chat…

  7. DJAnthony85

    Well it won’t be the Maple Leafs or Jets so let’s just eliminate them now and save us some time.

    Oilers might be good enough to get to the Finals, only to lose to Boston.

  8. mudamuckinjedi

    Nope not gonna happen Canada! Don’t get your hopes up!, c’mon we go through this every year.

  9. brokenbarrow

    First round. First round. Maybe second round.

  10. cli8231

    Ehhhhh not this year either🤷‍♂️

  11. DontToewsM3Bro

    Haha don’t count on the leafs

    And I say that as a leaf fan

    Last time leafs won there were only 6 teams 🥹

  12. dadass84

    I would rather any other team but these 3 win

  13. FinkBass420

    Anyone but the oilers please

  14. in-dog_we_trust

    Not if bettman has a say in it.

  15. The_Spooning

    Jets will win the whole thing ~~hopefully~~

  16. in-dog_we_trust

    Does Edmonton have a goalie good enough? I mean skinner? Comes on

  17. Spiritual_Holiday511

    I truly believe the oilers can do it this year

  18. SJSharkBay408

    Never gonna happen. Canada is the poverty market of the NHL. America runs hockey now

  19. masterOfdisaster4789

    Oilers or avs this year

  20. Affectionate-Depth66

    Jets are the only team in that group I can hope for. Leafs maybe. Oliers never.

  21. map-dude_22

    As a Canadian, I’ve never fully agreed with this sentiment. There are always lots of good ol’ Canadian boys on every championship team, so I’m happy for them. And, I’m pretty sure that Habs fans would rather see Martians come and steal the Cup than see the Leafs win it (same for Flames-Oilers). That said, I don’t think Winnipeg has any bitter rivalries … so, go Jets (?!)

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