@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Le hockey des séries éliminatoires de la LNH ne sera pas le même sans ça..

#hockey #nhl #pittsburghpenguins Avec les Islanders de New York battant les Canadiens de Montréal… ils ont officiellement éliminé les Penguins de Pittsburgh des séries éliminatoires. Cela signifie que pour la première fois en 16 ans… les séries éliminatoires de la LNH ne mettront pas en vedette Sidney Crosby ou Alexander Ovechkin. Nous décomposons les saisons qu’ils ont eues et où les choses ont mal tourné pour les deux équipes pour qu’elles manquent les séries éliminatoires. Merci à notre commanditaire Formation de hockey : Découvrez la formation de hockey ici ! Hockey Training YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/hockeytraining Hockey Training Shop : https://shop.hockeytraining.com/ Musique offerte par blaowry Suivez-le sur ⏩ https://www.instagram.com/blaowry / https://youtube.com/channel/UCeHAyP3nx4LWPArr9Mca0nQ https://www.beatstars.com/blaowry


  1. Ovechkin is washed up but as long as he keeps standing around waiting for the puck I am sure he will pass the greatest hockey player of all time in goals what a mockery of the NHL.

  2. Every star needs a supporting cast. The pens and caps let their superstars down. I think both Ovy and Sid should consider getting traded to a contender who is in need of leadership.

  3. lets close out their careers by having both sign 3 year deals with the Pens 🙂

  4. Crosby in the top 10 players of all time easily. It’s still such a shame his injuries ruined his arguable prime

  5. Penguins GM last 2 years has really put the final nail on the coffin. It's not gonna be an easy rebuild, terrible asset management.

  6. Saying the caps are stuck with their aging core is not true at all. Lots of players on the caps will be cleared out and they will have around 15-20 mill in cap space where they will aggressively go after high end talent.

  7. #66 not protecting his 1st round pick #29 that he built a cgampionship team around is his only goof in the NHL. Hextall is a total goof for not telling letang and Malkin its time to take a hometown discount like #87 so we can get #29 back. #29 gets a cup on his own will show the elementary genius radio host and the organization that the #29 supporters were right all along.

  8. Flog the League.
    Awwww…. Bettman cannot promote Crosby all playoffs long. So glad we don't have to watch him and the officiating he gets when he's on the ice.

  9. You need to keep in mind that the caps had 3 to 4 of there top line guys being out over half the season and there goaltending hasn't been efficient in 2 years now.

  10. Capitals were wrecked with injuries just hammered. The Penguins have zero excuse for missing playoffs. Bad management sure, some injuries but when it mattered most and all they had to do to get in was win. Crosby, Malkin, Letang all played. I don't think either team is done. Although if I was a Penguins fan I'd be concerned about Malkin's comments about it being a young man's game and him & his teammates being old.

  11. Hopefully we get that damned Flyer out of our front office and find someone who isn't going to actively try to make us WORSE!

  12. I mean…they're both still playing elite level hockey. Either of their teams could make a few off-season deals and be in the playoffs next season.

  13. I actually think both teams are fully capable of making a bounce-back next season. As you pointed out, the core for both teams are each still effective, its a matter of surrounding them with the correct support pieces. Easier for the Penguins (for the love of God get a goaltender) but a healthy Caps team could be just as close. Won't be surprised at all if they're both back next postseason

  14. And now jonathan toews won’t return to the hawks and will likely retire, I grew up watching kane & toews so to see these guys go kinda hurts

  15. This like when Bird and Magic no longer were in the playoffs….. its a very very sad loss

  16. Both teams could bounce back next year, so they'd be better off doing a few tweaks and seeing where they're at halfway through the season. It's pretty obvious their windows as contenders are closing if not closed all together, but it's tough to rebuild around aging hall of famers.

  17. The salary cap sucks. No sport should have a salary cap. I am fine with more national sports who get the bulk of revenue from national TV and other deals doing revenue sharing. But salary caps suck.

  18. Sid should retire and Ovechkin should be sent back to Russia with a note for Putin demanding that he end that stupid war in Ukraine. Otherwise Ovi and all the other 50 or so Russian players within the NHL will not be allowed back into Canada and the U.S. After all, we do have an embargo on Russian goods and services don't we? … Then APPLY IT!

  19. Blackhawks won't resign Jonathan Toews off-season. End of an era for em' as well.

  20. Getting into the Playoffs,in the Eastern conference will require 95 plus points in the future. Years ago if you had 90 you were good. Competitive Teams.

  21. best parts for me: Ovi kissing Lord's Cup and Pens getting swept by Bruins while Sid held pointless!! thanks for the memories!

  22. I think caps are still a good team. The good side is Dylan Strome is really good, Backstrom will have time to heal his injury fully, Sandin is good and will prob continue to get better. With any luck maybe some of their prospects will get better. Overall I think the caps won't fall off. I def do think this was an end of an era though still. It definitely feels that way. Even if the teams still do okay, it's just a final nail in the coffin of them being considered elite teams, even though it's kind of been that way for 5 years now. We're in the epilogue stage of these core's story

  23. I don't know know how it is for Caps fans, but for us Pens fans we slowly became Ovi fans towards the middle of his career. Now I can't speak for all of the Pens' fanbase, but It's just cool seeing that. I became a fan of his about 4 or 5 years after he came into the league and have been since. I just hope Caps fans did the same with Crosby over the years as well.

  24. Imagine if we could get Sid and Ovechkin to kiss. That's the simulation I want to live in.

  25. Pens need to fire coach and management and need to build younger players around Crosby and Malkin. Instead they did the complete opposite of what they needed by getting more old players. They go out and get Granlund for some unknown reason, that dude is terrible and has another 5mil left on his contract and was the complete opposite type of player that we needed to get. Max Domi would have been a perfect fit for the pens. The coach plays the same system every game, a system the pens can’t play anymore with how old and slow they are. Sully was never a good coach because literally any other coach can win 2 cup when you have guys like Crosby, Malkin, letang. Fleury, Murray, kessel, and guentzel. The PP this season was embarrassing and all the blame to that is the coaching. The pens can fire the GM and change the team up, but if they have the same coach expect them to miss playoffs again. I would’ve fired the coach back in November and I would fired the Gm mid January. The pens have the right players just not the right coach and Gm.

  26. I was at a Caps Penguins game around 10 years ago that was played in Washington. It occurred the day after a massive snowstorm. It was on a Sunday and the game was aired on NBC. Both Ovi and Crosby had Hattrick‘s with a Ovi getting the best of it in overtime. Love these guys. Praying we’re still going to get more

  27. if Ovi played every game this season, probably still would have ended up with 50-60 goals.

  28. Pens core could've and will still be able to go the distance but man… Fire hextall, do something, get consistency in net and a bit of defense. As long as 87 plays, this is my team

  29. The best Sid and Ovie moment has got to be their dueling hat-tricks in a single playoff game.

  30. It's so hard for me to see Crosby and Ovi growing older, they were both my generation and it also means I'm getting old too 😝Gotta pass the lead to Bedard next season and enjoy the new generation talents

  31. I can't help but wonder if it's the Penguins & Caps are actually doing notably worse and that's why they didn't make the playoffs or if other teams just got notably better. I've seen the Penguins play some great hockey so I know they have it in them, and I'm not even a Penguins fan. We'll see what happens next season 🙂

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