@Canucks de Vancouver

[Patrick Johnston] Allvin dit d’après ce qu’il sait, aucun des joueurs russes de l’équipe ne reviendra en Russie cet été. FWIW Andrei Kuzmenko a été très prudent en répondant à une question sur ses projets d’été samedi.

[Patrick Johnston] Allvin dit d’après ce qu’il sait, aucun des joueurs russes de l’équipe ne reviendra en Russie cet été. FWIW Andrei Kuzmenko a été très prudent en répondant à une question sur ses projets d’été samedi.



  1. julesieee

    They should just all embark on a road trip around BC off-season and get the Canucks media crew to film it.

  2. letstrythatagainn

    …So how did Kuzmenko answer?

  3. electricalphil

    You’d be mental to go back. Anyone they can is going to be scooped for the Russian army. Look at that one young goalie, the government found out he had signed with Philly(?), he was on the next plane to the farthest outpost possible.

  4. Level-Interest5130

    I wish people would stop projecting 2023 social norms onto people whose families live under a a brutal dictatorship that jails people for next to nothing.


    Pussy Riot is still in jail for kissing in public a decade ago.

  5. TemplaerDude

    The media needs to leave well enough alone and stop looking for soundbites from two guys who are obviously in a difficult situation.

  6. JerbearCuddles

    They go back and get conscripted. Probably wise not to go back. Kuzy seems very friendly, I imagine he has people he cares about back in Russia. It’s a shame this is the state of things, but hopefully everything works out for them and the situation there gets resolved soon. It’s disgusting.

  7. Sinochick

    Kuzy does love wakeboarding. He could do that in North America!

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