@Ligue nationale de hockey

Parce que c’est encore cette période de l’année…

Parfois, les restes de repas sont encore savoureux.



  1. shockedtoo

    If they make it out of the first round, it’ll be like a cup win.

  2. SalIaccuzzo

    H a ahahaha ahaha

    ahaa ala


  3. HankScorpio42

    I don’t think any Canadian team is going home with her. That Fuck of a let’s say he’s a ‘human being’ for lack of a better word Gary Bettman (_parasite_ )won’t allow it.

  4. Ready_Look_9511

    She lives with him, but they haven’t had sex in years.

  5. AnonPlzzzzzz

    He won’t even get past first base.

  6. Master-File-9866

    Ahhh thank God for the leafs. The hockey fandoms can unite all becuase of the opinion of the leafs

  7. Embryonico

    Definitely won’t be a second date.

  8. ChineseBigfoots

    He has to go home after 7 games

  9. Deraj2004

    I never realized they are playing beer pong on carpet.

  10. Beard_faced

    She’s telling everybody at the party that she’s not really with him. Clearest friend zone costume

  11. bootinhole69

    Hope his socks get wet too

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