@Flames de Calgary

Où tout s’est mal passé…

D’une manière ou d’une autre, le renvoyer aux maillots portés pendant la pire période de l’histoire de la franchise a provoqué l’une des saisons les plus décevantes de mémoire récente. Peut-être que la prochaine fois, nous le ramènerons au 03-04 ?



  1. jonos360

    Haha I was just thinking this as I walked past Fanattic today! Absolutely this is why we lost.

  2. Straight-Plate-5256

    Nahhh it went wrong well before that, currently the Amharic curses to get past otter have been the clear turning point in our luck.

  3. El_Cactus_Loco

    Look good, play good

    We did not look good

  4. abrandnewsharpie

    Nope losing Budweiser and having Original 16 take over is where it all went wrong.

  5. Delicious_Mouse4004

    Went wrong with Sutter. He’s ready for an old folks home

  6. DavidssonA

    It was that Jersey and Blasty… Blasty. Blasty that fucked us when iggy wore it, Blasty the fucked us when Gueadreau and Tkachuk wore it, Blasty that fucked us this year. We barely wore red in the dome all year

  7. CaptinDerpI

    Nah, the « Win the Cup » song was where shit hit the fan

  8. EnhancedEddie

    It was the fucking black magic and we all know it

  9. cgy_bluejays

    We went 3-0-1 wearing them so arguably they’re about the only thing that _didn’t_ go wrong this year…

  10. SupropRenkcip

    Shoulda never fired Terry Crisp. That was the beginning.

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