@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[NHL Player Safety] Michael Bunting de Toronto a été suspendu pour 3 matchs…

[NHL Player Safety] Michael Bunting de Toronto a été suspendu pour 3 matchs…



  1. labadee

    one extra game for being Bunting. Three is a lot, I thought 1-2 would’ve been fair

  2. dinklesprocket

    cue the « suspended for the rest of the playoffs » jokes

    still funny though lol

  3. MooseKingdom

    Did they realize his name is not Kadri

  4. Competitive_Ad2450

    Toronto’s Michael Bunting has been suspended for 3 playoff games for an Illegal Check to the Head and Interference against Tampa Bay’s Erik Cernak.

  5. demential

    Game plus 2 for wearing blue.

    Pissed that the guy looks like an idiot on the biggest stage when a lot of us(myself included) were on team bunting Vs Refs

  6. thrilliam_19

    I was guessing 2 and felt that was even a little much because they tend to treat playoff games with more weight. I’m really surprised he got 3.

    Incredible that people still think this league is biased towards the Leafs.

  7. BeautifulTorment

    That’s a 1-game for any other team

  8. Three games is wild but whatever, nothing we didn’t expect

  9. jimfear998

    No one else would get 3 for this unless they played for toronto.

  10. marcman84

    Joke league.

    He deserved 1 game, Leaf multiplier means he gets 3.


    i wish the DoPS always gave the right punishment but it seems they only really do that with the leafs.

  12. Broton55

    How many did sergachev get last year for the hit on marner? But ya I forgot the leafs are apparently favoured by the league lol

  13. theharps

    Should’ve been 1 but Parros likes to make examples out of leaf players let’s see him suspend other players for 3 games.

  14. iwasomla

    Bunting has never been suspended before btw.

    Just the typical Parros-Leafs bullshit.

  15. Well it is what it is.. Let’s see if the same precedent is upheld down the line in other series for other teams.


  16. SpellboundUnicorn

    Positivity take: this will put an end to the ref/Bunting sideshow distraction

  17. DougFordsGamblingAds

    [For comparison, here is Cernak’s elbow on Okpaso earlier this season](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l60HZjzq5_Q):

    Cernak sees Okpaso the whole way, and catches him with the elbow, with speed. Cernak had already been suspended once.

    [Bunting was skating away from Cernak, who was coming from behind.](https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1648496226533535744)

    Cernak’s elbow got 2 regular season games, and no penalty. Bunting got the 5 minute major, game misconduct, and 3 playoff games on top of that.

    [This is the precedent for a three playoff game suspension](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DesV4FgSbsY). ZAR literally had his jaw broken and a concussion. Wilson was suspended for 3 games, but he wasn’t even called for a penalty on the ice, let alone a game misconduct.

  18. luca123

    As usual, Leafs are the only ones who get called by the book 🤷‍♂️

  19. intecknicolour

    parros really hasn’t gotten over the time colton orr ended his career.

  20. cheesyfries05

    Given the 2:1 playoff suspension ‘rule’ and no history of previous suspensions, this is insane and just more proof that Perros is biased and the league is supportive of it

    After this and all of the Wes shenanigans yesterday, I’m considering not watching anymore.

  21. Kinger15

    Absolute joke of a league. Why do we bother giving them money

  22. EntryDiligent6908

    5th longest suspension in the playoffs. Tied with Kadri. I don’t even know what to say.

  23. JFMoldau


    Seriously, everyone was like, « Nah, he got a match last night; at worst, he gets a game. »

    Fuck you. This league hates this team.

    I hope they see it. I hope every single one of those guys in the locker room looks around and sees exactly what sort of mountain they need to climb to win all of it.

    The media hates you. Every other fanbase despises you. You’re all overpaid and overrated, according to them. Even the league has it in for you.

    Win it all THIS YEAR, or ask to be traded because they will never give you a break.

  24. jrojason

    I mean they show this in slow motion repeatedly. Bunting is never even looking in the general direction of Cernak. He knows he’s close and turning for the puck, and tries to jump in front of him for position. This play legit happens like… 30 times a game. I guarantee if you look for it you’ll find it within the first few minutes done « properly » next game.

    That being said, he caught the head. Probably deserved a game. 3 is very excessive for a player with no history and it being the playoffs, and it clearly not being a malicious play. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

  25. paranoiaszn

    *Fun fact:* Leafs’ players account for about 35% of postseason suspensions since 2017/2018 (in terms of total games)

  26. Shooternow

    The NHL is getting to the point of unwatchable

  27. 93joecarter

    I was trying to see if anyone has been suspended 6 games recently as that’s what it would be in regular season. Go back to last season scroll down until I see a 6. Scroll left to see the name. It’s Jason Spezza hahaha fuck this league.

  28. BLogssss

    Hartman killed Ehlers last week and Ehlers hasn’t played since. He got one regular season game.

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