@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Bruant suspendu 3 matchs

Bruant suspendu 3 matchs



  1. Dentistchair

    More than I predicted but not complaining

  2. SwagFondue

    deserves it, if Cernak is concussed he could be out for the rest of the series.

  3. Tpabayrays2

    I was expecting 1 game but sure I’ll take 3

  4. lilturk82

    I thought maybe a one game suspension, but glad it was more. Hits to the head are just uncalled for.

  5. HonestBiscotti

    rare for DOPS to fall on the higher end of what everyone expected but i’m not gonna complain

  6. DuckTruckMuck

    He better be hoping the Leafs get swept. Game 5 will be a waking nightmare for this weasel.

  7. frithjofr

    I was expecting one game, perhaps two. Didn’t imagine 3.

    Someone on twitter earlier faked their profile like the DOPS and announced a 3 game suspension, and got roasted for it. It seemed so outrageous that nobody believed it.

    I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t the same thing again when I saw it on twitter just a few minutes ago and came to post. ([Twitter link for anyone who’s interested.](https://twitter.com/NHLPlayerSafety/status/1648815612192522240?s=20))

    Either way, you won’t catch me complaining. There’s no room for this shit in the sport of hockey and I’m glad it’s being taken seriously.

  8. Dawgy66

    I was thinking he might get 2 games at most but I’m not gonna complain and this sends a message to every team in the playoffs

  9. 2ndprize

    Oh hey, that’s more than I would have guessed

  10. Fallahh

    He’ll be out of the league soon enough

  11. Personal-Banana-9491

    Yeah. Three seemed excessive until I remembered Bunting chirping the refs about the hit immediately afterwards. That might have a bit to do with it.

    End of the day, Leafs are out a bottom six pest, and we’re out Cernak.

  12. BottleCapper25

    But I thought we were the dirty players. At least that’s what r/hockey told me

  13. Allen_Koholic

    Christ, reading /r/hockey, and you’d think the real victims here are leafs fans. What a bunch of schmucks.

  14. RyanGoosling93

    I know Bunting has a reputation but to my knowledge he’s never been suspended before. 3 playoffs games is really harsh, but I’ll take it.

  15. TehFuriousOne

    Leafs fans yesterday: « that’s fine, we don’t like him, we’ll get some one good instead »

    Leafs fans today: « OMG the entire league is literally stacked against us to me sure we lose and they make off with our women! Reeeee! »

    Talk about victim mentality… ffs


    Only bad thing about this is that him being suspended for 3 games might benefit the leafs more than hurt them…

  17. SpecialistVast6840

    Good. Pos got what he deserved.

  18. Procedure_Dunsel

    I’m a tick shocked by 3, but so be it.
    Well, let’s look at the list:
    Pot stirrer? ✅
    Diver? ✅
    Bitched about the officials to their face? ✅
    Goaded official into giving Cerny a bogus rough not putting up with him? ✅
    Gets linesmen punched trying to not have him killed? ✅
    Coach whines publicly about officials treatment of his shithead? ✅
    Hits player he antagonized earlier in head for NO REASON? ✅

    DOPS – “Yeah, FUCK THAT GUY”

  19. MetaSnap

    Leafs fans saying the following:
    “Bunting wasn’t even looking at him, it wasn’t intentional!”
    “Cernak flopped”
    “Bunting being suspended is worth Cernak, Hedman, and Eyssimont being out”
    Obv not all their fans are like this, but still…

  20. VanSpade

    Holy shit I wasn’t expecting that but I’ll take it!

  21. FatStupidOldMan

    The whole intent argument from Leafs fans is sort of silly.

    Someone can do something intentional without specific intent.

    It’s like driving 100 miles an hour down a street.

    You intend to go fast. You might not hit someone but when you do, it’s intentional even though you didn’t specifically want to. Because you did intend to go fast.

    Bunting intended to be “all elbows” and aggressive. He likely (or maybe unlikely) didn’t have a specific target in mind.

  22. anonymousmouse17

    Personally, I feel like the punishment should begin AFTER Cernak returns. He should have to sit out for however long the player he injured is out, AND THEN his 3 game punishment can begin on top of that. If Cernak missed 3 games because of injury, 3 game suspension for injuring him is silly

  23. turtle-girl420

    Question: I didn’t see a monetary fine associated with the suspension. Since players don’t get paid per game in the playoffs, is it possible the suspension was longer due to a lack of a fine?
    Bunting is out 3 games, but Cernak may be out longer. To me, I think the hit was a bit of retaliation. When Cernak got that crap penalty because Bunting ran into him after the whistle and fell the ice, he seemed mad that the tank Cernak didn’t fall/budge. Then again, I may be biased.

  24. IAmKingDaddio

    McCabe did basically the same thing to
    Mikey and didn’t even get a call, much less a fine/suspension. Glad Cunting got 3, kinda hoping it goes 5 and we get Jeannot back to knock his ass out.

  25. mcguffinman

    He’s gonna be out for the rest of the series!!!

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