@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins de Boston sont-ils en danger de perdre cette série face à la Floride ?

L’ancien entraîneur-chef et défenseur des Bruins Mike Milbury se joint au Greg Hill Show pour réagir à la défaite des Bruins contre les Panthers, discuter de la gravité de la blessure de Patrice Bergeron, du troisième match et plus encore! 0:00 Intro 0:05 Réaction à la défaite du match 2 0:55 Gravité de la blessure de Patrice Bergeron 1:55 Niveau d’inquiétude si Bergeron est absent indéfiniment 3:40 Performance de Brad Marchand dans le match 2 5:35 Gestion des nerfs en Floride 7:23 Swayman commençant le match 3 9:24 Où sont les joueurs qui doivent intervenir ? 11:57 Les Bruins risquent-ils de perdre la série ? 13:03 Qui décide quand Bergeron jouera ensuite? 14:21 Importance de gagner le jeu 3 17:30 Outro N’oubliez pas de vous abonner ! https://www.youtube.com/weeivideo 📡 ÉCOUTEZ EN DIRECT ➡️ https://www.audacy.com/weei/listen 📺REGARDEZ EN DIRECT ➡️ http://weei.com/watch 💻REGARDEZ EN DIRECT SUR TWITCH ➡️ http:/ /twitch.tv/bostonweei Téléchargez l’application Audacy dès aujourd’hui et diffusez votre WEEI où que vous soyez ! ➡️ https://go.audacy.com/y-listen-live-weei SUIVEZ-NOUS : TWITTER – https://twitter.com/WEEI INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/weeisports/ FACEBOOK : https : //www.facebook.com/WEEI/ Images miniatures avec l’aimable autorisation de Getty Images/USA Today Network. #Bruins #BostonBruins #NHLBruins


  1. Marchand was best player for bruins yesterday .. maybe Milbury was watching on the radio

  2. Historically, most NHL teams that finish 1st in League standings DO NOT WIN THE CUP. Think 07 Patriots.

  3. Bruins are in big trouble again another year were pasta disappears in the playoffs the Bruins think that everybody's is going to hand them the cup none of them have heart I think they're done in this round I don't think they're going to get past Florida and just say they do I don't think they can beat anybody else. It pisses me off because I thought this was their year and clearly it is not they still have not learned. They've been out playing two games the first game they won by luck and the second game proved to me that they can't do it and they picked up bad habits in the last two weeks of the season complete laziness

  4. First and foremost debruin should be panicking pasta again I know showing the playoffs I mean if this continues they're going to be done they won't make it past the first round this team has no heart they need to man up and get some balls in Wind

  5. The Blue Liners Have Been Making Silly Dumpy Passes in there own end ALL season but NOBODY cares Long as they were winning! Well They Won't WIN if they don't learn to pass TAPE TO TAPE!

  6. How come none of you guys ever say anything bad about pasta? Jake debrusk Jake actually did good he played good defense pasta did nothing the guy barely broke a sweat I mean he was useless completely useless we pay him how much money? And he did that last night that guy should be taking over the playoffs I'm very pissed off at pasta and I said this three years ago they need to trade him because playoffs he sucks I don't care what anyone says you can say you're an idiot you're an idiot well look at pastas resume in the playoffs he completely sucks

  7. The turnovers, lazy blind passes and the lack of physicality was just unbelievable!! This team is in trouble. If they get behind 2-0 in game three they will be in big trouble! This would be the ultimate choke!

  8. geez…if youre a bruins fan..i think its par for the course…and watching the patrice in practice videos circulating..its really real. the bs get hathaway to be a guy for the end of a game like this and the refs throw him out before he can do anything. what the fuck.

  9. Leave it to the Boston media to press the panic button after 1 loss. Did you expect them to go 16-0 through the playoffs? 🙄

  10. They let the physical play intimidate them, bottom line. They need to put on their big boy pants and go hard no matter how the Panthers show up..

  11. Happens every year in the nhl, if it does again it shouldn't be surprising. And 4 months later there'll be another season.

  12. Bruins are overrated, I had Florida in 7, I'll take Florida in 6 now.

    FACT: Worst 65 win team in NHL history.

  13. David Krejhi has been terrible in the first 2 games …. Zacha has to go back with Pasta and Bertuzzi . When they play bad they giveaway the puck on the o zone blue line … Bergy comes back I feel good … can live with the split

  14. The Bruins are in trouble, they didn't look like the regular season Bruins.

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