@Flames de Calgary

Stecher a l’air de vouloir revenir

J’ai beaucoup aimé son jeu et j’espère qu’il reviendra. Qu’en pensez-vous?



  1. flyin_italian

    I want Stetcher back.

    Are we in love? Is that how this works?

  2. weschester

    I would like him back for sure. Hes a perfect 6th Dman.

  3. catfishman

    Stecher was a great addition to the team. I’m all for his returning

  4. Individual_Potato629

    Come back Stechy-boy 😘! We love you

  5. CaptinDerpI

    Yes please yes please yes please

  6. Just pick up after your dogs people and everything will be fine

  7. PostApocRock

    Ill take him on a Stone style contract.

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