@Canucks de Vancouver

[Dan Murphy on Twitter] Les gars sont arrivés de Sawgrass. Regardez comme il est heureux.

[Dan Murphy on Twitter] Les gars sont arrivés de Sawgrass. Regardez comme il est heureux.



  1. PaperMoonShine

    You could drown in that Ketchup.

  2. GTAWisSweet

    Cheech has a good taste in tv shows.

  3. crap4you

    That is a good lunch. Onion rings and beer.

  4. Miruzzz

    Cheech already devoured that hotdog from the plate

  5. enterthedragonpunch

    cheech definitely a mod on okbuddychicanery

  6. Knight_On_Fire

    This guy quotes Shakespeare.

  7. SoExcited_1

    Cheech is in pretty good shape.

  8. TexanDrillBit

    I can taste that……..Is that onions?…and ketchup? Onions and ketchup?

  9. NotoriousBananaHavoc

    Cheech ages like fine wine…. God i cant imagine who they will get to replace him hopefully it isn’t James Cybulski id take Dan Murphy, Bieska, hell even Kesler if he wants to do it.

  10. Canucksfan2018

    Guy behind him has some 2ft tall party beer. Wtf is that thing

  11. silentsaturn91

    I know those are onion rings, but they’re making me want deep fried calamari now 😩

  12. Sarcastic_Beaver

    I mean.. he looks moderately happy on the Cheech scale, which I am surprised about.

  13. johnnyzunami

    Thats an absurd amount of ketchup!

  14. Tall_Assistant3418

    … still not going to be enough ketchup.

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