@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Meltzer] Les flyers ont dépassé le plafond cette saison une fois les primes de performance comptées. Les Flyers verront une pénalité de plus de 1,1 million de dollars retirée de leur plafond maximal disponible pour la saison prochaine.

[Meltzer] Les flyers ont dépassé le plafond cette saison une fois les primes de performance comptées. Les Flyers verront une pénalité de plus de 1,1 million de dollars retirée de leur plafond maximal disponible pour la saison prochaine.



  1. BackgroundBase4039

    Doesn’t matter. 7m off the board with JVR’s contract expiring. Unless they sign some 35 year old over the hill guy to a max deal for 8m per then they should be fine.

  2. raugust7

    Nice parting gift from chuck…

  3. Bnagorski

    Well at least it was money well spent…

  4. jabtrain

    Who is their cap guy? Unacceptable mistake for a team nowhere near contention. Flyers need all the space possible to take back bad contracts associated with good draft picks.

    Guess ‘the standard’ doesn’t apply to the front office.

  5. RustyStevenson10

    Doesn’t surprise me with this shit-show of a front office.

  6. itsthefazz

    This feels difficult to believe

  7. Streetkillz13

    The way NHL performance bonuses are awarded are only allowed for ELCs, 35+ or a veteran player signing a 1 year deal after missing over 100 days the previous season. Last year the Flyers had no one that met condition 3, so this has to have been met by either Cates, York, Foerster or Braun.

    By standing pat at the deadline Fletcher either allowed Braun to hit the bonus or didn’t account for his young players continuing to perform.

  8. FlyersAndMusic

    Not really a big deal since we won’t be signing any big names this off-season. Don’t know why anyone is making a deal about it. It pretty much doesn’t effect anything that’ll happen this year

  9. Lazy_Glass_3292

    Wow. Geniuses over there.

  10. SplendaMan

    Maybe I wouldn’t have had to take calculus four times if I wasn’t using *flyers math^TM*

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