@Flyers de Philadelphie

Décomposer la conférence de presse d’avant-projet des Eagles | Œil de lynx

Sur le dernier Eagle Eye avec Reuben Frank et Dave Zangaro, les gars se réunissent après la conférence de presse de Howie Roseman et Nick Sirianni : – Matt Patricia rejoint l’équipe d’entraîneurs – Quelques autres mises à jour d’entraîneurs – Gros points à retenir du contrat de Jalen Hurts – Pré-draft plats à emporter de Howie et Nick – Que signifie la signature d’Olamide Zaccheaus? – Les meilleurs et les pires choix de 2e tour sous Howie » Abonnez-vous MAINTENANT pour obtenir les dernières nouvelles des Eagles, Sixers, Phillies & Flyers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXenWaHGZz4Ey4BObUUIyZQ?sub_confirmation=1 NBC Sports Philadelphia sert les fans de sport de Philly 24/7 avec les dernières nouvelles sur les Eagles, Sixers, Phillies et Flyers. Regardez les meilleurs matchs en direct et les analyses perspicaces de nos experts sur NBC Sports Philadelphia et l’application MyTeams. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour les dernières nouvelles et faits saillants des sports de Philadelphie ! » Visitez NBC Sports Philadelphie : https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/ » Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NBCSPhilly/ » Twitter : https://twitter.com/NBCSPhilly » Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/nbcsphilly/ Podcasts : » Podcast Eagle Eye : https://art19.com/shows/eagle-eye-philadelphia-eagles » Podcast Sixers Talk : https://art19.com/shows/sixers -talk-a-philadelphia-76ers-podcast » Phillies Talk Podcast : https://art19.com/shows/at-the-yard » Flyers Talk Podcast : https://art19.com/shows/flyers-talk-a -philadelphia-flyers-podcast » Décollage avec John Clark Podcast : https://art19.com/shows/takeoff-with-john-clark » Téléchargez l’application MyTeams pour regarder les matchs en direct et les temps forts : iOS : https://apps. apple.com/us/app/nbc-sports-philadelphia/id427783832 Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nbcsports.mobile.rsnlocalsports&hl=en_US


  1. I found Howie's little "joke" about how they will only have 2 draft picks next season the most interesting of the presser. It said to me Howie is planning a major move up from 10. I'm sure his team has worked on a bazillion scenarios, but to make that joke at a presser is revealing. My guess is he's going after Carter, Johnson, or Anderson. Thoughts anyone?

    btw, I thought Dave and Rueb asked good questions. Dave, I'm looking forward to hearing one of the beat writers shouting "bingo" in the middle of a presser! I think Nick would find it funny…after you explained what was going on.

  2. U both are the best and Rubin i was your neighbor in blackwood. I get the love and dissappointment in QUEZ. He caused 2 losses and potential 4 ponts in superbowl. I get that you want to prove us wrong but jeeze Quez ,the best time to prove yourself, would have been last Yr: no fumbljng aftervs catch and causing 2 interceptions 2 team losses. You get to prove yourself or back up ur talk. Ur lucky, if its not too late. Millionaire to catch 33 balls a yr. Come on! Fly Eagles Fly

  3. Michael Vick knew how to slide. He would be a fantastic base stealer in baseball. He didn't slide because he didn't want to look soft.

  4. 24 & 25 have nothing to do with COVID👀. There is something they need to investigate as to why you're older than 23 when drafted.

  5. The howie segment about taking best talent available has me convinced they’re going Bijon who I don’t necessarily want because I want d line but I understand his thought process

  6. They look more in then future than in then past

  7. Why does the media fill in blanks of what a player will say or think? Then turn around and turn Slay into the bad guy on the hiring of a coach.

  8. Exactly what I thought, must´ve been really annoying for the media. But good to see that they have a good relationship

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