@Islanders de New York

[Gross] Lane Lambert dit que si Alex Romanov ne peut pas jouer ce soir, Parker Wotherspoon remplacera Samuel Bolduc

[Gross] Lane Lambert dit que si Alex Romanov ne peut pas jouer ce soir, Parker Wotherspoon remplacera Samuel Bolduc



  1. MrBuildandKill92

    Stanley cup as good as ours

  2. Ineedmorethan20cha-

    Damn, maybe god really is listening after all

  3. The_Dank_Tortuga

    About time.

    Now watch him completely implode because we can’t have nice things.

  4. minos157

    Bolduc has more speed but we need solid, physical defense not speed.

    This should’ve been done game 1.

  5. bmore_los78

    Just shocking that he continued to play after Aho returned. There’s still a future for Bolduc but Woth is more defensively sound and what we need right now. Nothing flashy, just do your fucking job in the D-zone.

  6. Academic-Brush-7797

    I’m excited to see Mini Pelech

  7. sky_blu

    Just in time to tie the series at home perfect.

  8. Baww18

    I think it was apparent like 15 minutes into game 2 this would be the case. Also feel bad because Bolduc is a young player who clearly wasnt ready yet but was forced into a pressure cooker. He is a 22 year old who has played 17 NHL games.

  9. nothing_but_static

    Wotherspoon GWG you heard it here first

  10. AJS76reddit

    Out of the pan into the fire

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