@Devils du New Jersey

Honte à cette organisation

Je dois juste me plaindre que c’était au match d’hier soir et que c’était la pire expérience que j’aie jamais eue au Rock. Je n’assisterai plus jamais à un autre match Devils – Rangers. Je pensais que la rivalité lui donnerait une ambiance cool, mais c’était vraiment horrible. L’endroit était à moitié des fans des Rangers et ils étaient juste méchants et impolis. On m’a toujours appris que vous vous enracinez pour votre propre équipe, pas contre l’autre équipe. Mais les fans des Rangers autour de moi voulaient juste s’en prendre à notre équipe dans notre maison. J’aurais frappé le gars derrière moi au visage si je n’étais pas là avec ma famille. J’ai joint une photo que j’ai prise depuis mon siège; zoomez sur le bol inférieur, il est à moitié bleu. Je parie que le match du samedi compte moins de 10% de fans des Devils. Honte à l’équipe d’avoir si mal joué et honte à l’organisation d’avoir surévalué les billets et d’avoir encouragé cela. Fin de la diatribe.



  1. Jballzs13

    I emailed the ticket rep who tried selling me a plan for next year just to get playoff tickets this year ripping the organization a new asshole. Terribly handled and a big f you to the fans and the actual team itself. I get it’s a business but god damn. This was an entire shit show. I knew after game 1, game 2 would be even worse, so also shame on devil fans who gave up after game 1 and sold tickets to who knows who after.

    Edit: who as a fan base can we email as a whole to voice how fucked they made this process?

  2. hyperstationjr

    I knew it was bad, but I didn’t imagine it was like *that*. Fuck that’s embarrassing.

  3. TesluhModelWhy

    what do ticket prices have to do with anything? are you calling devil fans broke bois?

  4. zombooze

    Showings like this on and off the ice is why the devils fan base doesn’t grow on top of the new York name people want to be a part of the bigger crowd

  5. Mr7three2

    You guys are pathetic. Whining about them taking over our barn. We don’t show up at MSG in force. We don’t do it on the Island. We don’t do it in Philly or anywhere else. Hell we don’t even show up at the Rock half the time.

    And more importantly, the boys didn’t do anything to make the Rags fans regret going. They can fill seats all they want but they would be mighty quiet if WE ACTUALLY SHOWED UP and gave the Devil fans in attendance something to cheer about.

    Instead we got LOUD « Let’s Go Rangers » and « Devils Suck » chants in our own house. Neither of which happen if the team played well.

  6. sinbushar

    Three were also entire suites filled with Rangers fans. I get you can’t control who people invite in suites, but some of those had to have been booked for this game alone. Maybe with the extra half hour, more Ranger fans opted for Game 2 over Game 1, but it was so embarrassing. Especially towards the end.

  7. peterthehermit1

    I get the point that anyone can buy a ticket. But ownership needs to do more to help foster a majority devils crowd in playoff games against the rangers. In the end the devils fans are the customers who support the team, buy tickets to all the matches, not just against the rangers, and spend money in the arena. We should not have to put up with a hostile fan base harassing us and our team while watching our home team in our arena. This won’t be the last time in the next few years these teams meet in the playoffs, hopefully ownership noticed the load ass devils suck chants and the end

  8. SinDonor

    A majority of those Rags fans can’t afford to go to MSG for the playoffs. It’s a dream come true when the Devils play the Rags at the Rock. And with the poor result in Game 1, I’d bet MANY Devils fans already quit and put their tix up or sale trying to recoup some wasted money.

    I was there last night, it was absolutely horrible.

  9. d_money89

    I’m honestly over the ticket price discourse that’s been constantly discussed on this sub over the past couple of weeks. Yeah tickets were expensive, like everything else in 2023. Selling tickets for $100 or $300 wasn’t going to change the fact that Rangers fans would still show up. Selling them cheaper just encourages flipping and they’d go to Rangers fans anyway!

    Not sure what you want the org to do-have some sort of test before being able to buy tickets? “Who were the top 3 point scorers for the 95 Stanley Cup team?” Trying to send a message to them by not purchasing isn’t going to do shit; it’s once again just encouraging Rangers fans (or any other visiting fans) to purchase.

    And shame on the people in this sub posting tickets for sale here and on the Rangers sub. That’s a total embarrassment.

    As for the Rangers fans’ behavior? Hey, welcome to a rivalry game in the playoffs. Sorry they didn’t sit and politely golf clap as they continued to push our shit in. I don’t blame them one bit for being rowdy and chirping at us. Wanna shut them up then the team needs to play better.

  10. In_Dub

    Some dumbass tried telling me it was 70-30 last night. I was there and it was literally about 50-50. The lower level was filled as fuck w rangers fans.

  11. BurnerAccount374

    This is not a new problem, but this is what they get for pricing tickets too high for Devil fans and as a good deal for Ranger fans. I personally am not paying $250 for an upper at a first round game.

  12. SwanTonBobOmb

    Couldn’t get a devils chant going all night Tuesday if you paid me. No one there even clapped with me. Low energy 100% but the team did shit the bed pretty bad

  13. blabla006

    Only sell to emails addresses that attended a regular season devils game. I’m not sure of the logistics of doing so, but I’m sure it can be figured out. Wont be perfect, but maybe turn the tide to 80/20 at least.

    Scan your ticket at regular season game, enter email address to be eligible for playoff tickets. Something of that nature.

    You only need to implement this for devils/rangers. Gotta be something the devils can do to limit ranger fans and still make the same $ on tickets they sell at face value.

  14. jvalente80

    Rags fans pride themselves on beating the Devils since they can’t win a cup

  15. babastart

    I didn’t go last night, but I have to imagine the elimination game in 08 was worse.

  16. Motor_Grand_8005

    We need to fkng win. That would keep them out and shut them up. Otherwise how would you only sell to Devils fans?

  17. PhotographyRaptor10

    Was at the last ranger game of the regular season and it was very similar. Got physically attacked for standing and cheering after goals and standing and clapping as the last few seconds ran out. Security didn’t do shit and when asked why they said “it looks like you handled it fine on your own”

    So I guess we gotta take self defense classes if we wanna go to games. It’s been a fun year but I’m very upset with the organization.

  18. TheOriginalMrSkull

    I have to say I had the opposite experience. I was surrounded by rangers fans on all sides. Complete strangers whom by the end of the 1st period we were laughing and having a great time. Sure our section had the dickheads who loved to be rude but far far outweighed by friends and family who were just there to see a game

    Losing sucks. Especially to our rival. But a person isn’t an asshole because they root for the Rangers. An asshole is just an asshole.

  19. babastart

    Until the Devils have a huge season ticket base that isn’t ticket brokers, you’re always going to see this happen against NYR.

  20. will you be there on Saturday at MSG?

  21. grazfest96

    Pathetic. Rangers fans own us.

  22. bocceballbarry

    In soccer they have an away section for the opposing team. That’s it, that’s the total amount of seats they’re allowed to get. Any opposing fans not in that section are thrown out

    Very simple

  23. RicksyBzns

    I’m in this picture, in the distance. I was stuck in that deep blue rangers section behind the devils’ net. But as you looked around there were 50% blue shirts in nearly every section.

    I would wager that last night the crowd was about 50/50 ratio of devils to rangers fans, maybe 60/40 at best.

    Some of my thoughts

    – Not enough devils fans were in the house last night. I know we have a smaller fan base than New York, as well as many New York transplants living in NJ that remain rangers fans. But last night was unacceptable
    – the devils organization’s priority is making money. Playoffs=more games to sell over regular season which means more opportunities to make money. As long as tickets are sold and concession stands are full, the devils org does not care if it’s a red shirt or a blue doing the buying
    – I’ve been to many playoff games over the years, last night was one of the worst showings of devils fans I’ve seen. I honestly believe that rising ticket prices are the culprit but I’m not sure how that can be addressed.

  24. granweep

    To think they tried to sell 4 rounds for nose bleeds at 3600 per seat. The audacity to think this team might go 4 rounds with possibly only playing 4 games the entire playoffs.

  25. jetsyanksdevils9

    I’m glad this post gained a lot of traction and that most people agree with my sentiment. I’m seeing some comments along the lines of « the organization isn’t to blame if Rangers fans buy tickets lol. » So let me explain why I believe they are.

    For the last two years, My brother and I have split a 12 game package for regular season games. We normally sit in the lower bowl and pay like $120 per seat. Once the Devils clinched, we inquired about playoff tickets but were told to wait. Eventually the sales rep contacted us with a package that was only available to people who have bought other ticket packages.

    The only option was that we had to pay the whole postseason in full. That’s it. So for lower bowl it was like $200 per seat times 16 potential playoff home games times 3 seats which is just shy of $10k. I dunno who they think can pay that on top of a regular season package, but I can’t. I save up all year to pay for the regular season package. So we ended up in the 3rd level for $125 per seat which still cost over $6k, which I split with my brother. Higher than I’d like to pay, but you have to assume they’re not gonna play 16 games at home. However, you don’t get refunded that money for the unplayed games; it gets credited towards next years package. So you can see all the limitations placed on their paying customers and why they didn’t sell nearly enough playoff packages.

    Structuring it in this way and forcing people to lay out thousands of dollars is just saying that we don’t care who comes, just who pays. Had they offered more reasonable prices, or offered partial packages, they would have gotten more interest, particularly in the lower bowl where you can see all the blue jerseys. Additionally, they could have offered the full playoff packages to the general public which would have been bought up by Devils fans. But they didn’t. After they were done marketing to their main clients, they just put the remaining game tickets online and let whoever (Rangers fans) buy them up. They also could have offered the packages earlier in the year to give people more time to come up with the cash.

    Sorry for the long explanation but I feel like this is the only way to articulate the situation. In any event, the attached photo shows the result.

  26. PeterSagansLaundry

    I am pretty sure this is the most cherry-picked photo you could have taken. The DST end was very red. And newsflash, the Rags are an O6 franchise from the biggest city on the continent. Of course they have more fans. They will keep filling seats in lieu of filling their trophy case.

  27. Sauronsindexfinger

    Look this will always be an issue due to the proximity and the fact NY city is full of millionaires. The only solution is for the Devils to maybe show up and play at an NHL level.

  28. heheyousaidduty

    Ownership bares part of the resposibility, but the fact is not many people were super eager to buy tickets to game 2 after seeing how game 1 went.

  29. Fun_Doughnut_4537

    Anyone can buy a ticket friends, just so happens that there is 3 teams in the metropolitan area and the Rangers have a deeper fan base. Maybe if prices weren’t so high they buy tickets.

  30. Organic_Value5434

    If that’s gets u mad , wait until u see the scoreboard

  31. Mission-Persimmon664

    I would love to go some playoff games at the rock. 200 bucks a ticket, sure ! Two tickets for 200 bucks a pop its almost 600 bucks after fees and processing like fuck off

  32. proteinn

    This is just the reality for any team with a neighboring, much larger fan base. It’s been like this since the franchise started, and will always be that way. The Devils could silence Ranger fans by actually winning.

  33. Doitlikethis23

    Also if it’s a “red out” give out red towels, completely defeats the purpose!

  34. clarabee63

    Don’t kid urself with the high horse bullshit. The first two results fucking sucked but if the tables were turned we would all be having fun with « rangers suck » chants. This is a rivalry and it’s been this way my whole life.

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