@Canucks de Vancouver

Jeff Paterson sur le manque de hockey des séries éliminatoires des Canucks À Vancouver, le prochain contrat de Pettersson, l’avenir de Bear

Jeff Paterson sur le manque de hockey en séries éliminatoires à Vancouver au cours de la dernière décennie, les défis de re-signer Elias Pettersson et l’avenir d’Ethan Bear avec l’équipe. Présenté par @rinkwidevancouver & Jason.Mortgage (https://lnk.to/JasonMortgage) Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP536 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https:/ /linktr.ee/SekeresAndPrice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com/


  1. If petey was smart he would try setting it up so he is signing a max deal at either age 30 or 31 because after that management will use his age as a bargaining chip against him

  2. If Pettey is smart he would get out as sooon as possible this team in shambles there no way he gets less than 11m a year for atleast 8years

  3. Perennial contender? There is no evidence these guys are set up for that. He should sweat them out this season and see what direction they’re taking the team. He can make $ down the road in another location (with the cap increase in 2 years)

  4. The more I hear from this management group, and Tocchet, the more I cannot stand their arrogance. THey've achieved very little to have this level of ego. Tocchet, with a career losing record, and Allvin, only trot out the same words "structure", "grit", "toughness" etc. mean little if you cannot get the players to show that. I'm absolutely not a fan of this leadership team.

  5. I thought I was down on them but man there's way too much negativity in these comments.
    Jeff is right it really behooves both the Canucks and EP40 to get a new deal done before training camp starts. Don't drag this out like last time this is a deep and thoughtful guy and he takes this stuff seriously…So hey management are you listening ? Lets sign papers in the summer and make this top priority.

  6. Rutherford expects Petersen and Hughes to carry the team during the rebuild. My guess. They won't go along with the plan. Both will publicly demand trades. Both, I believe, have the same agent.

  7. The "Safe" environment thing was kinda weird. I say we need to look back at what the management did to undercut Boudreaus standing from the end of last season already. I'll say it again this was horribly unprofessional by Alvin and Rutherford especially. The players KNEW Bruce was not gonna be around in 2023-24 no matter what. I'm certain that had a lot to do with the total crapout we saw in mid season

  8. Bear is just coached by his agent not to show much interest. Alvin did the same. Tactics. Bear should be dirt cheap he hasn't done squat yet he'd be very lucky to get 2.

  9. Canucks aren't even close to competing for playoffs, they'd get smashed by every team in playoffs. Gonna be a few years yet and maybe even after a full on re-build once this retool doesn't work since retooling hasn't worked for the last 10 years.

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