@Ligue nationale de hockey

Que porte son Subban cette fois ?

L’autre soir, il ressemblait à une pom-pom girl des Dallas Cowboys 😂😂



  1. RossoR-7

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

  2. MischievoosMoose

    He’s a joke. Always has been.

  3. SnooHamsters8997

    He thinks the clothes make up for his shit personality

  4. CarthagoDelandeEst

    ESPN already treats the NHL as a carny sideshow, I’m sure this will do wonders for that matter.

  5. CraftierAverage

    Its from the Elton John collection

  6. No_Maybe4408

    Even Liberace would have passed on that outfit.

  7. vanyel196

    Wishes he was as relevant as Rick Flair 🤣

  8. accuratesometimes

    Messier is not amused.

  9. wickedheadrust

    I think producers thought they could get a bizzy type with him, and it’s just a failure

  10. Neely67

    All this and add in Leah Hextall. Recipe for failure. Well done ESPN.

  11. ZucchiniUsual7370



  12. Clean_Command_4897

    I guess we were all wrong about making PK a personality.

  13. NikkiRocker

    There is a total lack of chemistry amongst this group…

  14. Epsteinssexslave

    At this point, I think he’s doing it to troll Mark Messier

  15. devadoole17

    Messier’s face is priceless!

  16. Pharaca

    He looks like he is presenting the nominees for a Grammy circa 1991.

  17. namnavrevlis

    At some point PK put his devils themed shoes on the desk and I think Steve Levy said something to the effect of “Mess and I wear shoes, too PK.” I laughed pretty hard at this.

  18. Sird80

    Can’t stand watching the ESPN anymore

  19. bigbeak_oriley

    Let me tell you something, Mean Gene!

  20. barahona44

    Hes the retired Lewis Hamilton of NHL

  21. GorchinLevata

    Clown was and always will be !!!!!

  22. MrRemoto

    I can’t wait for this experiment to end.

  23. Grimmer026

    Tries so hard to be the center of attention

  24. Jmeyers08

    He’s finally wearing a clown outfit…as he should be.

  25. StockBoston

    Ric Flair drip go WOOOO! on a bitchhhh

  26. yeetmemommmy

    Holy shit you guys are insufferable. Clowns always bitch about how the players and sports commentators have no personality then whenever someone like pk does something like this you guys get little hate boners. Hes the only interesting dude on that panel. I’m sure you guys would love another blank face in an expensive suit saying the most generic shit that’s already been said. Idiots

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