@Lightning de Tampa Bay

RÉACTION D’APRÈS-MATCH : Lightning de Tampa Bay contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto, 22/04/23.

Le Lightning de Tampa Bay est tombé aux mains des Maple Leafs de Toronto en prolongation par un score de 4-3. Écoutez Steven Stamkos, Brandon Hagel et l’entraîneur-chef Jon Cooper sur la défaite. 0:00 – Steven Stamkos 3:30 – Brandon Hagel 6:26 – Jon Cooper #NHL #TampaBayLightning #BallySportsSun


  1. awwww poor baby stammer whining that the team he loved growing up won, he should be suspended for attacking matthews for nothing, what a joke, caught him off guard

  2. Looks like Stamkos' shoulder pads are the same ones he wore in junior hockey. Could use some bleach and febreze on those babies!

  3. It wasn’t sitting there he knocked it loose. Copper your always trying to get the calls. Dirty team

  4. Gutless cowardly move by Stammer.
    That's how you lose r3sp3ct around the league. Punching a guy who is still holding his stick and then doing after the ref grabbed him and told him enough. Cheap. Karma is a bitch

  5. I'm sick and tired of Tampa Bay.
    I watched the entire game tonight and it was entertaining from start to finish. Leaf fans, your goalie was the star tonight for most of the game but I saw something from the Leafs tonight I haven't in a long time.
    Fucking heart.
    You battled.
    You were patient.
    You didnt fall for these fucking goons baiting.
    Huge road win for you guys, and it was awesome.
    Ryan O'Reilly was the fucking bane of my existence in 2019. He's an absolute playoff animal.
    Good win.


    A Bruins Fan.

  6. Lost all respect for Stamkos he’s such a pussy he goes after Matthews knowing the guy doesn’t fight. If he wanted to show toughness then he should have fought Schenn or McCabe. Dirty Bolts team coached by Cooper who instructs them to play dirty

  7. These teams are both solid AF and each game is gonna be a coin toss.

    Just accept that and it becomes a lot of fun marvelling at how hard these teams are playing.

    Leafs in 6.

  8. Stamkos is a little bitch and Cooper is so incredibly douchy.

  9. Take a shot whenever someone says it is what it is.

    Wish Toronto sports media would mic up the reporters like this I can actually hear the questions.

  10. The comments are like 75% non Tampa fans shows how many bandwagons are out here 😂

  11. обиженки ))) поплачте вместе в душике ))) поебитесь за одно в жопы

  12. Stammers so full of it, hey hats off to the decision to blindside AM who's never fought. Real tough guy there. It worked but TB has got to be one of the dirtiest teams to be so good. Leafs should of had a 5 on 3 there but can't call the game properly as skill might win out. This looks good on them.

  13. All the pissy and cringe leaf fans in these comments shows why legitimately nobody likes their team and fans. Pure cancer

  14. Cooper is such a layer, the puck was covered, that's why the whistle blew, Hagel jabbed at it twice to dislodge it.

  15. Even as a Leaf fan, I can really respect how Cooper handles stupid questions from the media.

  16. If the lightning win this series all you leafs fan talking trash are going to look so stupid😂 can’t wait to hear all the excuses roll in

  17. I love the integrity of this team when they were willing to blindside Matthews and attack him from behind when Reilly did nothing wrong. Good going there Champs!

  18. Funny how having the head office of hockey operations in an NHL city tends to favour said city all the time!

  19. I happen to live in Toronto, but have been a Tampa Bay Lightning fan since I started watching hockey a few years ago. After game one, you heard on the influential Nick Kypreos show that the lead NHL ref has a "conflict of interest against Toronto" and "Toronto is the largest and most valuable market". And this game we see the result of that media campaign…

    Toronto's goalie has no control of the puck and gets scored on – but gets bailed out by the referees. Toronto's top defenseman purposely shoves Tampa's superstar into the boards with obvious intent to injure – so naturally the referees protect Morgan Reilly and award Toronto a powerplay.

    I don't usually comment on the hockey games I watch. But this one just saddened me because of the unfairness. I know Tampa's players can't speak honestly. But they should know their play today made me so proud to be their supporter. Truth be told…I only started supporting Tampa because I loved the logo and Brian Boyle's Shakespearean mustache. But now it's about supporting heart+soul guys playing through injury…and against immense odds. So inspirational to watch…unlike these villainous leafs.

  20. What a joke stamkos grabbed and punched matthews while he was holed still in both hands in my opinion stamkos your weak

  21. The refs have been useless all series. But realistically point laying on the ground crying like a baby and Stamkos sucker punch Matthews while he’s holding two sticks and facing the other way is just pathetic. Tampa wins this series easily if they play hockey and stop trying to get calls their way

  22. tampa play cheap, dirty and still lost. They "won" 2 cups by circumventing covid protocol and cheating the cap. Dirty rotten franchise

  23. Good and lucky is better than good. The Lightening can always take comfort in knowing they never really stood a chance.

  24. Stamkock is a little 8itch for what he did. Try doing that crap with someone who has even one fight in his life. Hopefully Point gets run through the boards for his faking.

  25. Yeah Coop, no one gets why Tampa has gotten away with garbage for years and years. Time is up, you douches are done. Point the faking little 8itch with his butt buddy Stamcock.

  26. How many times do the players have to answer the same question lol

  27. unfortunately when you ask humans to blow whistles based on what they see. that is going to happen.

  28. I’m a leaf fan but they got lucky, Tampa WAY out played them. Samsonov is the only reason they stayed in it.

  29. I don't remember the last time the Leafs played a Play Off game like this. It's been a decade or two! Shaping up to be an even better series than I expected 👍😎

  30. Schenn is awesome and standing between perry and knies "you have to go through me to get to him and pat moroon wants no part of it

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